Three prophecies about the future of humanity that make us tremble

During a vision of 1820, it was revealed to Blessed Anna Catherine Emmerick that Satan would be freed from chains about eighty years before the year 2000. This period of freedom for the fallen Angel would last a century.

This is confirmed by a message from Our Lady of Medjugorje given to the visionaries on April 24, 1982, the message says:
Dear children, you must know that satan exists. He presented himself before the throne of God and asked for permission to tempt the Church for a certain period with the intention of destroying it. God allowed Satan to test the church for a century, but added, "you won't destroy it." This century in which you live is under the power of satan (1900), but when the secrets that have been entrusted to you are realized - its power will be broken. already now begins to lose its power therefore and become more aggressive destroys marriages, raises discord even among consecrated souls, because of obsessions, causes murders. Protect yourselves therefore with Prayer and Fasting, especially with the Community Prayer, bring Blessed objects with you and place them also in your homes. And resume the use of blessed water. When the hundred that Satan has available to destroy the Church could end.

A further confirmation comes from a vision had by Pope Leo Xlll described as follows:
On the morning of October 13, 1884, at the end of the Holy Mass, Pope Leo XIII remained motionless in front of the Tabernacle for about 10 minutes. When he "recovered", his face was worried and distressed. He told his collaborators that he had witnessed a "conversation" between Our Lord and Satan. The latter proudly declared that he could easily destroy the Church if he had more power over those who put himself at his service, and more freedom for about 100 years. The Lord replied to Satan that he would grant him both more freedom and the hundred years needed. Leo XIII was so shocked by this "conversation" that he wrote the famous prayer to St. Michael the Archangel for the protection of the Church and wanted it to be recited on his knees after each Holy Mass. Unfortunately, however, with the post-conciliar liturgical reform, this gift that Christ gave us through his Vicar was put in the drawer. The prayer was never recited and the vast majority of the faithful born from the 70s onwards of the last century do not even know its existence.
Emmerick talks about 80 years before the year 2000, therefore in the late 10s and early 20s of the 13th century. Leo XIII saw that unusual "dialogue" on 13 October. Thinking about it. Satan He may have been freed from his chains on October 1917, XNUMX, the day of the last Marian apparition in Fatima, when there was the "miracle of the sun", and Our Lady promised that "my Immaculate Heart will triumph".

In addition to these date coincidences, confirmation comes from two other elements.
During his apostolic trip to Fatima (11-14 May 2010), Benedict XVI recalled the importance of the centenary of the apparitions.

Teresa Neumann (1898-1962), the "Bavarian stigmatist", who also had the gift of prophecy from Heaven. In one of his last prophecies before his death he said that the greatest period of Satan's dominion over the world - power that he would use to launch an attack, according to him, deadly to the Church, in particular to the papacy - would last about 18 years, from the 1999 to 2017. Concluding the hundred years should end with the centenary of the apparitions of Fatima ie (2017) in the meantime the 10 secrets of medjugorje will begin to be revealed, the triumph of the immaculate heart of Mary promised in Fatima is comparable to the time of peace and justice promised in Medjugorje.