The thirteen Tuesdays of St. Anthony of Padua who ask for a grace

The pious practice of Tuesdays to honor Sant'Antonio is very old; however originally it was made up of nine. With the passing of time the pity of the faithful brought them up to thirteen, in memory of the 13th June consecrated to the death of the Saint. The thirteen Tuesdays serve very well as preparation for the party, but can also be practiced in the rest of the year.

FIRST TUESDAY: St. Anthony model of faith.

Faith is that supernatural virtue that disposes us and tends to believe all the truths that the Church teaches us because revealed by God. Faith is the seed entrusted to the soul in holy Baptism from which the tree of life must sprout and thrive Christian. Without faith it is impossible to please God and reach health. St. Anthony was a model of faith. All his life he spent in adorning the soul of the most beautiful virtues and in igniting and reviving the divine torch of faith in the midst of peoples. How have we revived the faith we received in Baptism? Do we do the Christian works that our faith imposes on us? And what do we do so that faith is known and practiced by everyone?

Miracle of the Saint. A certain soldier named Aleardino, a heretic since he was a child because he was the son of heretics, after the death of Sant'Antonio, went to Padua with the whole family. One day, while at the table, there was talk among the diners of the miracles that the Saint did at the prayers of his devotees. But while the others praised the sanctity of Anthony, Aleardin contradicted, even taking the glass in his hand he said: "If he whom you call saint keeps this glass intact, I will believe what you tell me about him, otherwise not"; and so to speak, he threw the glass in his hand down from the terrace where they had lunch. Everyone turned to see the enormous leap of the glass that had fallen from the terrace with such force that the fragile glass, although falling on the stones, did not break. And this under the eyes of all the diners and many citizens who were in the square. At the sight of the miracle the soldier repented and ran to collect the glass, went to show it to the Friars telling the story. Not long after, instructed in the sacraments, he received holy baptism with all those of his family, and throughout his life, firm in his faith, he always divulged the divine wonders.

Prayer. O lovable St. Anthony, who always glorified the Lord and made him glorified by others for the innocence of life, for your charity to God and for men, and with the fame of favors and miracles without number, of which Goodness divine made you dispenser, spread your protection over me too. How many thoughts, desires, disordered affections, seductions of the world and the devil try powerfully to distance me from God! And what would I become without God, if not a poor man in the most squalid misery, a blind man groping in the shadows of eternal death? But I want to live with God, always united with him, my wealth and only supreme good. For this I invoke you humble and trusting. Dear Holy Father, let me be holy in thoughts, affections and works as you were. Get to me from the Lord living faith, forgiveness of all my sins and to love God and neighbor without measure, to deserve to come from this exile to the eternal peace of heaven. So be it.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

SECOND TUESDAY: St. Anthony model of hope.

Hope is a supernatural virtue whereby we await eternal life and the graces necessary to achieve it from God. Hope is the first seed of faith. St. Anthony rested as in the womb in the arms of Christian hope. A young boy, he renounced the comforts, the wealth of the family, the joy and the pleasures that the world offered him, for the future goods promised by Christian hope by taking refuge first among the Augustinians and then among the sons of St. Francis of Assisi. How is our hope? For God's sake and for Heaven, what do we do? If God asked us now for the practical goods in order to make them bear fruit for the kingdom of heaven (as he did the servants of the rich man of the Gospel), we would have to praise or reproach and the punishment inflicted on the servant for having hidden the talent , instead of having made it bear fruit?

Miracle of the Saint. A cleric of Anguillara, called Guidotto, finding himself one day in the palace of the Bishop of Padua, laughed in his heart at the witnesses who laid around the miracles of Saint Anthony. The following night he was surprised by pain so severe throughout his body that he died of it. Despairing of having mercy from the Saint, he prayed to his mother to pray for her healing. After the prayer, the pain disappeared immediately and was completely healed.

Prayer. O lovable St. Anthony, who always glorified the Lord and made him glorified by others for the innocence of life, for your charity to God and for men, and with the fame of favors and miracles without number, of which Goodness divine made you dispenser, spread your protection over me too. How many thoughts, desires, disordered affections, seductions of the world and the devil try powerfully to distance me from God! And what would I become without God, if not a poor man in the most squalid misery, a blind man groping in the shadows of eternal death? But I want to live with God, always united with him, my wealth and only supreme good. For this I invoke you humble and trusting. Dear Holy Father, let me be holy in thoughts, affections and works as you were. Get to me from the Lord living faith, forgiveness of all my sins and to love God and neighbor without measure, to deserve to come from this exile to the eternal peace of heaven. So be it.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

THIRD TUESDAY: St. Anthony model of love for God.

Vanity of vanities: everything is in vain except loving God and serving Him alone, because this is the ultimate goal for which man was created. And we believed in the love that Jesus Christ brought us, dying on the cross for us. But, love asks for love exchange. St. Anthony corresponded to the immense love of God with all the enthusiasm of his ardent heart, as much as a creature can correspond to it. Aware that no one has greater love than one who gives his life for friends, yearned for martyrdom and went in search of the lands of Africa. Once this hope has vanished, out of love he consecrated himself to death to conquer souls; and how many led astray led to the love of the Cross! What have we done so far for the Crucified lover? Maybe we offended him with sin? For heaven's sake, let's confess immediately and lead a truly Christian life.

Miracle of the Saint. A man from the surroundings of Padua, wanting to know some occult things by means of demons, went to a certain man, who by magic art knew how to invoke demons. Entering the circle and having invoked the demons, they came with great noise and roar. That poor frightened man called upon God. Enraged, the bad spirits rushed upon him and left him silent and blind. In such a compassionate state, some time passed. Finally, I touch the painful heart of his sins in my heart, thinking of the wonders that the virtue of God worked through his servant St. Anthony, he was led by hand to the Church of the Saint, in which he spent, without going out, many days. One day while attending Mass, the sight of the body of the Lord was restored to him, whereby he gave full confidence to the bystanders who saw us. These came around him and together with him they prayed to the Saint to perform the grace by also giving him back the word. At the "Agnus Dei", singing by the Friars "dona nobis pacem", the poor man got his language and talk again. And immediately he went out in a song of praise to the Lord and the holy thaumaturge.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

FOURTH TUESDAY: St. Anthony model of love for neighbor.

If anyone says: I love God, and will hate his brother who sees, how can he love God who does not see? And this commandment has been given to us by God. Whoever loves God must necessarily love his neighbor. St. John had learned this teaching from the very mouth of Jesus who had said: “A new commandment I give to you: that you love one another as I have loved you. From this they will know that you are my disciples: if you have love for one another ”. Saint Anthony gave himself a shining example of love for all men with preaching, confessions, zeal for souls. His apostolic peregrinations and the many souls saved by him prove this. How different our love of neighbor is from Antonio! Do we love everyone, even our enemies? Do we want true spiritual good?

Miracle of the Saint: A woman from Padua one day, going out for shopping, left her son of twenty months alone, named Tommasino, at home. The little boy amused himself saw a tub full of water. What happened nobody knows; of course he fell headlong into it and drowned in it. After some time the mother returned and saw her immense disaster. It is easier to imagine than to describe the despair of that poor woman. In her immense sorrow, she remembered the miracles of Saint Anthony, and full of faith she invoked his help for the life of the dead son, indeed she made a vow that she would give as much grain to the poor as the child weighed. He spent the evening and half of the night. Always waiting confidently for her mother and often renewing her vow, she was fulfilled. Suddenly the boy awakens from death, full of life and health.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

FIFTH TUESDAY: S. Antonio model of humility.

The worldly man esteems humility, apocalypse and cowardice of mind; but the wise man, educated in the school of the Gospel, values ​​it as an invaluable pearl, and gives everything for it since it is the price for the purchase of heaven. Humility is the way that leads to heaven, and there is no other. For this Jesus passed; for this the Saints passed. From humility the fame of Sant'Agostino. The virtue of humility, an ancient biographer writes of him, “He touched in the man of God such a high degree of perfection, that he made him desire, living among the Minors, the contempt of others, and aspire to be considered cowardly as the highest glory and the last of the confreres ".

How is our humility? Are we able to endure contradictions in silence or that we don't say good things about ourselves?

Miracle of the Saint. At the time that St. Anthony was custodian of Limousin and preached in the Church of San Pietro Quadrivio, this singular prodigy occurred. After the Good Friday morning, which in that church celebrated at midnight, he announced the divine word to the people. In that same hour the friars of his convent sang the Mattutino in chorus and the Saint was in charge of reading a lesson from the Office. Although the church in which he was preaching was far from the convent, when he read the lesson assigned to him, he suddenly appeared in the middle of the choir to everyone's amazement. The divine virtue meant that at the same time he was with the friars in the choir to read the lesson, and with the faithful in the church where he preached.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

TUESDAY TUESDAY: St. Anthony model of obedience.

Freedom is the greatest gift of God among natural gifts, and it is dearest to us above all. For obedience we offer it and sacrifice it to the Lord. Antonio from a young age, dwelling in the paternal home, subjected himself docile to obedience. A religious fact he was a passionate lover, in the faith of his biographers, growing day by day in the love of it.

Miracle of the Saint. In the city of Patti, a heretic invited our Saint to lunch with some confreres. Fearing a trap, Antonio refused, but the Guardian Father imposed on him out of obedience to accept the invitation. It was Friday and the heretic, to make him hate the ecclesiastical authority, had a beautiful capon cooked and, brought it to the table, he apologized saying it was a mistake, and that by now it was necessary to honor the table, especially since The Gospel reads: "Eat what they bring before you". Antonio who had accepted the invitation out of obedience, also ate out of obedience. He had just taken leave of that house that the heretic took the bones of the capon and brought them to the Bishop as proof of Antonio's sin. Pulling them under his cloak, he said: "Look, Excellency, how your Friars obey the laws of the Church!" But what was not his amazement at seeing the bones of the capon changed in scales and fish bones! To reward the Saint's obedience, God had worked the miracle.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

SEVENTH TUESDAY: St. Anthony model of poverty.

How we flee in horror before the fearful specter of death; in the same way men run away from poverty, which they estimate great misfortune. Yet it is great wealth and true good. Jesus said: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, because of them is the kingdom of heaven." We are here on earth travelers to a future homeland and not citizens: therefore our goods are not the present, but the future. S. Antonio, being well-stocked with makeshift goods, renounced it for the sake of poverty, and to practice it more perfectly, he followed in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. Do you have riches? Don't attack your heart; use them for your benefit, and with the surplus raise the misery of your neighbor: do yourself good. If you are poor, do not be ashamed of something dishonorable, nor complain of Providence. Jesus promised the riches of heaven to the poor.

Miracle of the Saint. A rich moneylender had died in the city of Florence, an old miser who had accumulated immense treasures with his loan sharking. One day, the Saint, after preaching against avarice, came across a funeral procession. It was the procession that accompanied the miser to the last house, and he was just about to enter the parish for the usual function. Knowing that the deceased was damned, he felt filled with zeal for the honor of God, and he wants to take advantage of the opportunity to give a salutary Christian warning. "What are you doing? He said to those who carried the dead. - Is it ever possible that you wanted to bury in a sacred place one whose soul is already buried in hell? Do you not believe what I tell you? Well: open his chest, and you will find him lacking in heart, because his heart is also materially there, where his treasure was. His heart is in the safe together with his gold and silver coins, his bills and loan policies! Don't believe me? Go and see. " The crowd that was already enthusiastic about the Saint actually ran to the house of the miser, rioted because the caskets were open, and in one of them the heart of the miser was found still warm and throbbing. The corpse opened again and was actually found heartless.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

EIGHTH TUESDAY: S. Antonio model of purity.

In forming man, God united in admirable harmony the spirit and the matter, quite different substances, so that peace reigned undisturbed and perfect between the soul and the body. Sin unleashed the storm there: the soul and the body became eternal enemies, always at war. The Apostle Paul writes: "The flesh has desires contrary to the spirit: the spirit then has desires contrary to the flesh". Everyone is tempted: but temptation is not bad: giving in is bad. It is not humiliating to be tempted: it is humiliating to consent. We must win: for this we need prayer and flight from opportunities. Yes, Antonio had the grace of being an innocent child refugee in the shadow of the Sanctuary of the Virgin Mother; and under the maternally caressing gaze of her the lily of her purity flourished, which she always maintained in all her virginal freshness. How is our purity? Are we delicate? Do we faithfully observe all the duties of our state? A less than pure thought, affection, desire, act can irreparably rob us of this precious treasure.

Miracle of the Saint. St. Anthony once fell ill in a convent of monks in the diocese of Limoges. He was assisted by a nurse troubled by a vigorous temptation. Upon hearing the news by divine revelation, discovering the temptation, he reproached him gently and at the same time made him wear his cassock. Wonderful thing! As soon as the cassock that had touched the immaculate flesh of the man of God, covered the limbs of the nurse, the temptation vanished. He later confessed that from that day on, wearing Antonio's robe, he never felt the impure temptation again.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

NINTH TUESDAY: Yes, Antonio model of penance.

Christian life is summed up in one word: "mortification". "Now those who belong to Christ have crucified their flesh with vices and lusts," says Saint Paul. Everyone must practice penance: the innocent to close the door to sin; sinners to expiate him. It consists in suffering pain with resignation and in mortifying the senses. St. Anthony, lover as he was of the angelic virtue and of the crucifix, could not fail to love penance. He desired martyrdom, and lacked this, he consumed all of himself in duty and in works for the health of souls. Faced with such an example of penance, how are we? We do not think of running away because penance is necessary to save us!

Miracle of the Saint. Some heretics invited St. Anthony to a dinner with the plan to poison him. Following the example of Jesus, who sat at the table with the sinners to convert them, the Saint accepted. The moment they brought him to eat the poisoned food, the Spirit of the Lord enlightened Antonio, who, addressed to the heretics, reproached them for their perfidy by calling them: "Imitators of the devil, father of lies". But they replied that they had wanted to experience the other words of the Gospel that say: "And if they have eaten or drunk something poisoned, it will not hurt them" and committed him to eat of that food by promising to convert if he did not suffer any harm . The Saint made the sign of the Cross on the food, ate it without damaging it; and heretics, amazed, embraced true faith.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

TENTH TUESDAY: St. Anthony model of prayer.

It is the sweet law of love that the lover always yearns for the presence and word of the loved one. But no other love is as strong as the love of God! Clinging to the soul, he transforms it all into himself, to make her say: "I do not already live, but Christ lives in me". St. Anthony devoted himself assiduously to study and prayer. Dwelling in the convent of his native town, he got to change it with that of Santa Croce di Coimbra, to free himself from the frequent visits of friends who distracted him from union with God. Upon entering the Franciscan Order, he retired to the Montepaolo hermitage, where in a cave sold to him by a confrere, he freely waited for contemplation. Death reached him in the solitude of Camposampiero, acquitted in prayer. Have we prayed so far? We complain that we are not answered, but do we pray well? We say to Jesus like the Apostles: Lord teach us to pray.

Miracle of the Saint. Returning S. Antonio from France to Italy, he passed with his travel companion to a country of Provence; and both were fasted, although it was late. When he saw a poor but pious woman, he passed them through his house to eat. Having borrowed a glass in the shape of a chalice from a neighbor, he placed bread and wine before them. Now it happened that Antonio's companion, unaccustomed to such luxury items, broke it, so that the cup broke away from the foot. In addition, towards the end of the school lunch, she wanted to draw more wine from the cellar. What was not his unwelcome surprise, to see much of the wine poured on the ground! In the haste to put her guests to the table, she had carelessly left the barrel cinnamon open. Returning confused and pained, she told the two Friars what had happened. S. Antonio, having pity on the poor thing, hiding his face in his hands and resting his head on the table, prayed. Wonder! The glass cup, which was on one side of the table, rises and comes to Reunite at his foot. The break was invisible. After the Friars left, confident in the virtue that had brought her the glass again, the woman ran to the cellar. The barrel just a little before, was so full that the wine was sparkling from the top.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

ELEVENTH TUESDAY: St. Anthony model of love for the Blessed Virgin. The first root of love for Our Lady is love for God. Whoever loves God must also love all that God loves. And the Lord has chosen Mary among creatures. St. Anthony stands out among the most fervent lovers of the Virgin. He never stopped praying to her and preaching her magnitudes. The loving flame clung to his heart when, young man, he was brought up in the shade of the Sanctuary of Mary, which stood near his home. "So, says one of his biographers, God ordered that from early childhood the little Fernando had Maria as his tutor, who would have been his support, guide and smile in living and dying". Having then become a famous apostle, the devil, trembling with the defeats suffered by his preaching, appeared to him one night; he grabs him by the throat and squeezes him so hard that he suffocates him. The Saint, having invoked from the bottom of his heart the valid protection of the Virgin, his teacher from childhood, a very unusual unusual light flooded his bedroom; and the confused spirit of darkness fled away. The tasty fruit of the love of the Virgin Mother is Heaven. Those who truly love him filially will not be lost forever, because among mortals he is a true fountain of hope. However, it is fitting that it is a strong love, made not only of prayers, but of imitation of its virtues; especially of humility, purity, charity.

Miracle of the Saint. Certainly Friar Bernardino, a native of Parma, had been silent for two months because of an illness that had occurred to him. Remembering the miracles of Sant'antonio, he placed full trust in him, and was sent to Padua. Devoutly approaching the tomb of the saint, he began to move his tongue, however silent. Persevering in fervent prayer together with other friars, he finally regained his speech in the presence of numerous people. Out of his joy, he came out in praise to the thaumaturge, and intoned the antiphon of the Virgin: Salve Regina, who sang with the people with great devotion.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

TWELFTH TUESDAY: Death of St. Anthony.

Death, which is so frightening and dismaying the friends of the world and passions, because it separates them from all the goods and pleasures in which they had placed their paradise, and pushes them towards an uncertain future, is good for the faithful faithful to one's duties, because it is the announcement of liberation; they do not see an abyss in the tomb, but a door that leads to eternal life. St. Anthony had always lived with his gaze fixed on the heavenly homeland; for it he had left the earthly one, the innocent loves of his loved ones, the glory of his noble births, and in exchange he had embraced humility, poverty, the bitterness of penance. For Heaven he labored tirelessly in the apostolate until he was alive, and, thirty-six years old, he took flight to heaven, comforted by the sight of that blessed kingdom and in the certainty of soon possessing it. Who doesn't feel the desire to end life with a death like this? But remember that it is the result of a life well spent. How is our life? It is in our hand to die as the righteous or the damned. We have the choice.

Miracle of the Saint. In the vicinity of Padua, a girl called Eurilia, having gone out one day to the countryside, fell into a ditch full of water and mud, and drowned there. Turata outside the poor mother, she was placed on the bank of the ditch, with her head down and her feet raised, as if she were usually drowned. But there was no sign of life; the sure traces of death were impressed on the cheeks and lips. Meanwhile caring the mother made a vow to the Lord and to St. Anthony to bring as a gift an effigy of wax to her tomb, if she had returned her daughter alive. Once the promise had been made, the little girl, in sight of the people who had come, began to move: Saint Anthony had given her life back.

3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.

THIRTEENTH TUESDAY: Glory of St. Anthony.

Earthly glory is like smoke that rises and vanishes, carried away by the wind. Even if it lasts for a long time, death will come at the end. But there is a lasting glory that will compensate us for the contempt suffered, with a royal seat: "Whoever wins - promised Jesus - will sit with me in my kingdom". What glory! The same as the Son of God. Saint Anthony certainly did not seek the glory of the world, and God, in addition to rewarding him with the eternal glory of heaven, also glorified him among men with the halo of wonders. As soon as his death occurred, innocent children, in droves of Padua, shouted: The holy father died, Antonio died! And it was a rush to the convent from all sides to venerate his body. On the day of the burial a huge crowd, led by the Bishop with the Clergy and the civil authorities, among innumerable hymns, canticles and torches accompanied him to the church of the Virgin where he was buried. On that day, many sick, blind, deaf, dumb, crippled, paralyzed, regained health at his sepulcher; and those who could not approach because of the crowds of the multitude were healed in front of the temple door. Today also St. Anthony lives in the mind and in the hearts, dispensing favors and miracles to all, preferably to the miserable, to whom he generally provides with his Bread of the poor. And what does our heart want? We do not regret imitating his humble, poor, immaculate and penitent life, if we want him to be indivisible companions in the glory of heaven.

Miracle of the saint. Among the many miracles with which God was pleased to glorify his servant Anthony, that of his language is singular. In gratitude to their saint, the Padovans erected a magnificent basilica and a very rich sepulcher, which houses the treasure of his body. Thirty-two years after his death, the body was moved. The tongue was found so fresh, as if the Saint had expired at the time. The seraphic Dr. San Bonaventura, General of the Franciscan Order, took it in his hands and, weeping with emotion, exclaimed: “O blessed tongue, which you always praised the Lord, and made him praise by men, now it is manifested how precious you are before to God". 3 Pater, 3 AveMaria, 3 Glory to the Father.

Responsorio: If you look for miracles, death, error, calamity, the devil, leprosy run away, the sick get up healthy.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. The dangers disappear, the need ceases; those who try it, the Padovans say it.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things. Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sea, the chains give way; the young and the old ask and regain lost limbs and things.

Pray for us, blessed Antonio and we are made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer: O God, rejoice in your Church the votive prayer of Blessed Antonio your Confessor and Doctor so that she may always be provided with spiritual help and deserve to enjoy eternal joys. For Christ our Lord. So be it.