Finding eternal comfort in God

During times of extreme difficulty (terrorist attacks, natural disasters and pandemics) we often ask ourselves big questions: "How did this happen?" "Will something good come of it?" "Will we ever find relief?"

David, described in the Bible as a man after God's heart (Acts 13:22), never shied away from questioning God during times of crisis. Perhaps his most famous questions are found at the beginning of one of his lamenting psalms: “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? "(Psalm 13: 1). How could David question God so boldly? We might think David's questions shed light on his lack of faith. But we would be wrong. In fact, it is just the opposite. David's questions arise from his deep love and faith in God. David cannot make sense of his situation, so he asks God: “How can this be? And where are you?" Likewise, when you find yourself questioning God, take comfort in the fact that we, like David, can question God in faith.

We have another source of comfort. As Christians, we have deep reassurance even when life's problems seem impossible to overcome. The reason? We know that even if we don't see relief on this side of heaven, we will see wholeness and healing in heaven. The vision at Revelation 21: 4 is beautiful: "There will be no more death, mourning, weeping or pain, because the old order of things has passed away."

Returning to David, we discover that he too has something to say about eternity. In what is arguably the most famous psalm, David speaks of God's continued care. God is depicted as a shepherd who provides food, rest, guidance, and protection from enemies and even fear. We might expect the following words to be David's grand finale: "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life" (Psalm 23: 6, KJV). What could be better? David continues and strongly answers this question: “I will live in the house of the Lord forever”. Even if David's life ends, God's care for him will never end.

The same goes for us. Jesus promised to prepare a place for us in the house of the Lord (see John 14: 2-3), and there God's care for us is eternal.

Like David, today you may find yourself in the middle of the struggle and complain. We pray that the following devotions will help you find comfort as you refresh, refocus, and renew in God's Word.

Through tears, comfort. Christ, in his victory over sin and death, provides us with the greatest comfort.
Our living hope. No matter how many difficulties and trials we face, we know that in Christ we have a living hope.
Suffering versus glory. When we consider the glory that awaits us, we find comfort during our times of suffering.
More than a banality. God's promise to “work all things for good” includes our most difficult times; this truth gives us profound comfort.