You have a misconception of your Guardian Angel. Here because

Everyone has a wrong idea of ​​the Angels. Since they are portrayed in the form of beautiful young men with wings, they believe that the Angels have a material body like us, although more subtle. But is not so. There is nothing bodily in them because they are pure spirits. They are represented with wings to indicate the readiness and agility with which they carry out God's orders.

On this earth they appear to men in human form to warn us of their presence and be seen by our eyes. Here is an example taken from the biography of Saint Catherine Labouré. Let's listen to the story made by yourself.

«At 23.30 pm (on July 16, 1830) I hear myself called by name: Sister Labouré, Sister Labouré! Wake me up, I look where the voice came from, I draw the curtain and I see a boy dressed in white, from four to five years old, all shining, who says to me: Come to the chapel, Our Lady is waiting for you. - Dress me quickly, I followed him, always keeping to my right. It was surrounded by rays that illuminated wherever he went. My surprise grew when, upon reaching the door of the chapel, it opened as soon as the boy touched it with the tip of a finger. "

After describing the apparition of Our Lady and the mission entrusted to her, the Saint continues: «I don't know how long she stayed with her; at a certain moment he disappeared. Then I got up from the altar steps and saw again, in the place where I had left him, the boy who said to me: she left! We followed the same path, always fully illuminated, with the boy on my left.

I believe he was my Guardian Angel, who had made himself visible to show me the Blessed Virgin, because I had prayed to him a lot to get me this favor. He was dressed in white, all shining with light and aged from 4 to 5. "

Angels have an intelligence and power immensely superior to human. They know all the forces, attitudes, laws of created things. There is no science unknown to them; there is no language which they do not know, etc. The lesser of the angels knows more than all men know they were all scientists.

Their knowledge does not underlie the laborious discursive process of human knowledge, but proceeds by intuition. Their knowledge is likely to increase without any effort and is safe from any mistake.

The science of the Angels is extraordinarily perfect, but it always remains limited: they cannot know the secret of the future which depends exclusively on divine will and human freedom. They cannot know, without us wanting it, our intimate thoughts, the secret of our hearts, which only God can penetrate. They cannot know the mysteries of divine Life, of Grace and supernatural order, without a particular revelation made to them by God.

They have extraordinary power. For them, a planet is like a toy for children, or like a ball for boys.

Taken from: The beautiful afterlife. Website: