Turkey: the statue of the Virgin Mary found intact after the earthquake

The earthquake in Turkey brought death and destruction but something miraculously remained intact: it is the statue of Virgin Mary.

credit:photo facebook Father Antuan Ilgıt

It's dawn on February 6th, the date that no one will ever forget. The earth is shaken by an earthquake measuring eighth on the Richter scale. The earthquake concentrates in Turkey and Syria.

Subterranean faults shift and collide, destroying everything above ground. Houses, streets, palaces, churches, mosques, nothing will be spared.

Faced with such devastation, no one stood still and watched, rescue teams from neighboring countries, but also from Italy left immediately to give help and save as many lives as possible.

earthquake Turkey

The Virgin Mary does not abandon those who suffer

The collapse did not spare the church of'Annunciation which was built between 1858 and 1871 by the Carmelite order. It had previously suffered a fire in 1887, following which it was rebuilt between 1888 and 1901. Now sadly it has collapsed.

In the midst of this catastrophe, Father Antuan Ilgit, a Jesuit priest, said distraught that the church was no longer there, but fortunately the nuns and priests were safe and tried in every way to help others. The only part of the church that has remained intact is the refectory and it was there that the priest brought the statue of the Virgin Mary, which remained miraculously intact from the devastating collapse.

What amazed everyone was seeing how the image of Mary remained intact. For this reason, the priest decided to share the image and the news with the whole world. What the priest wanted to convey was a message of hope. Maria has not abandoned those who are suffering, indeed she is there among them and she will rise again with them.

The light of hope has never been extinguished, God has not abandoned those places and wanted to prove it by saving the image of love and faith.