Everything you need to know about the saints in the Catholic Church

One thing that unites the Catholic Church with the Eastern Orthodox Churches and separates it from most Protestant denominations is devotion to the saints, those holy men and women who lived exemplary Christian lives and, after their death, are now in the presence of God in the sky. Many Christians - even Catholics - misunderstand this devotion, which is based on our belief that, just as our life does not end with death, our relationships with our companions in the Body of Christ also continue after their death. This communion of saints is so important that it is an article of faith in all Christian creeds, since the time of the Apostles' Creed.

What is a saint?

The saints, in principle, are those who follow Jesus Christ and live their lives according to his teaching. They are the faithful in the Church, including those who are still alive. Catholics and Orthodox, however, also use the term in the strict sense to refer in particular to holy men and women who, through extraordinary lives of virtue, have already entered Heaven. The Church recognizes such men and women through the canonization process, which supports them as examples for Christians who still live here on earth.

Why do Catholics pray to saints?

Like all Christians, Catholics believe in life after death, but the Church also teaches us that our relationship with other Christians does not end with death. Those who died and are in heaven in the presence of God can intercede with Him for us, just as our fellow Christians here on earth do when they pray for us. Catholic prayer to the saints is a form of communication with those holy men and women who preceded us and a recognition of the "communion of saints", living and dead.

Patron Saints

Few practices of the Catholic Church today are as misunderstood as devotion to patron saints. Since the early days of the Church, groups of faithful (families, parishes, regions, countries) have chosen a particularly holy person who has passed through eternal life to intercede for them with God. The practice of naming churches in honor of the saints and choosing the name of a saint as Confirmation reflects this devotion.

The doctors of the church

Doctors of the Church are great saints known for their defense and explanation of the truths of the Catholic faith. Thirty-five saints, including four saints, have been appointed Doctors of the Church, covering all periods of Church history.

The litany of the saints

The Litany of Saints is one of the oldest prayers in continuous use in the Catholic Church. Most commonly recited on the day of All Saints and on the Easter Vigil of Holy Saturday, the Litany of Saints is an excellent prayer to use throughout the year, attracting us more fully into the Communion of Saints. The Litany of Saints addresses the various types of saints and includes examples of each and asks all the saints, individually and together, to pray for us Christians who continue our earthly pilgrimage.