Everything the Church says about the existence of the Guardian Angels

The existence of the Angels is a dogma of faith. The Church has defined it several times. Let's mention some documents.

1) Lateran Council IV (1215): «We firmly believe and confess with humility that God is one and only true, eternal and immense ... Creator of all visible and invisible, spiritual and corporeal things. At the beginning of time, with his omnipotence, he drew from nothingness the one and the other creature, the spiritual and the corporal, that is, the angelic and the terrestrial (minerals, plants and animals), and finally the human, almost synthesis of both, made up of soul and body ".

2) Vatican Council I - Session 3a of 24/4/1870. 3) Vatican Council II: Dogmatic Constitution "Lumen Gentium", n. 30: "That the Apostles and Martyrs ... are closely united with us in Christ, the Church has always believed it, has with particular affection revered them together with the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Angels, and has fully invoked the help of their inter -cessione. "

4) The Catechism of St. Pius X, answering questions nos. 53, 54, 56, 57, states: "God did not create only what is material in the world, but also the pure

spirits: and creates the soul of every man; - Pure spirits are intelligent, bodyless beings; - Faith makes us know the pure good spirits, that is the Angels, and the bad ones, that is the demons; - The Angels are the invisible ministers of God, and also our custodians, having God entrusted each man to one of them ».

5) Solemn profession of Faith of Pope Paul VI on 30/6/1968: «We believe in one God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Creator of visible things, like this world where we spend our fleeting life, and things invisible, which are the pure spirits, also called Angels, and Creator, in each man, of the spiritual and immortal soul ».

6) The Catechism of the Catholic Church (n. 328) states: The existence of spiritless, incorporeal beings, which Sacred Scripture usually calls Angels, is a truth of faith. The testimony of Sacred Scripture is as clear as the unanimity of Tradition. At no. 330 says: As purely spiritual creatures, they have intelligence and will; they are personal and immortal creatures. They outperform all visible creatures.