Two-year-old girl filmed praying in her crib, speaking to Jesus and thanking him for watching over her and her parents

Children often surprise us and have a very unique way of expressing their love and even faith, a word they barely understand. For them, Jesus is a father, a Lord, a friend, all words with which they call him and show him their love. How many times have you seen them say the little prayer at school with their hands clasped or ask their special friend to make a wish come true. Today we will tell you the story of one bimba just 2 years old who surprises his parents by praying to Jesus.

little girl sleeping

To safeguard that special and unique moment they decide to enclose it in a video lesson and to share this beautiful gesture on the web.

No one would have ever imagined or thought that such a small child, once placed in the crib by her mother, could do such a thing. Children usually, when they are put in the cot and told the bedtime story they fall asleep peacefully. Almost all children, because the little one Sutton he decides to make a special gesture first.


While little Sutton was in her cot she begins to speak and gesticulate as if she was thanking someone for giving her something special. She then pronounces small sentences, but so wonderful that they warm the hearts of those who listen to them.

The little girl thanks Jesus with her evening prayer

Alone 2 years, the little girl thanks her father and daughter before falling asleep mum. Many might think that this gesture could be normal, but it is not, given that the little girl is completely alone in the room. In reality the little one is talking to Jesus and he is addressing his evening prayer to his parents.

This story makes you think. Often adults must be explicitly asked to repent of their own sins, while little Sutton, who certainly doesn't have any sins, is very happy with thank Jesus and to communicate with that friend from up there vigil about her.