He kills a 3-year-old son and tears his mother to pieces, Giulia Stanganini must answer for two murders

Kills son of 3 years: The judicial position of Giulia Stanganini, the woman already in prison for killing her 3-year-old son, is further aggravated: now the 38-year-old Ligurian is accused of also killing the mother and grandmother of the child, the 68-year-old janitor Loredana Stupazzoni, and of having torn his body to pieces.

Giulia Stanganini had dissected the body of the mum, Loredana Stupazzoni. He said he found her hanged, committed suicide. After what happened, the investigation into the death of the son was reopened. Shortly before the baby's death, the woman had searched the internet with keywords "How to kill a child"

The turning point in the investigation came after the analysis on the computer of Giulia Stanganini. The 38-year-old allegedly searched online for information on how to choke people without leaving traces. To highlight this, the searches with the keywords: "mothers who kill children", "infanticide", and "how to kill a child".

Kills 3-year-old son: prayer for deceased children

O God, who in the mysterious design of your wisdom have arranged that the small (name) barely touched this world, and after having regenerated it in Baptism you called it with you in paradise always help us on the journey of life with the hope of finding ourselves one day in your home. For Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer in the pain of mourning In my mind, O God, many questions arise: why this to (he / she?) Why this death? I look to You on the cross looking for an answer, but the pain is still too strong. I feel empty, deprived of strength ... But I have hope and certainty in me that if (deceased name) he finished his earthly life is because he has to start the eternal one ... So don't let me forget about this person. Let me remember him in prayers, in Masses and may his life be an example to me. Give all of us and your family the strength to overcome pain.