"Kill yourself, no one will miss you" the words of a chat against an eighth grade girl

Today we want to touch on a social scourge that affects many young people: the Bullying. Bullying is a widespread phenomenon in schools involving violence and intimidation towards an individual student or a group of students by another student or a group of stronger or more popular students.

sad girl

This is the story of one little girl eighth grade, forced to suffer insults and mistreatment from schoolmates who had set up a secret chat. This is what happened to Anna, who suffered acts of Cyberbullying in a Latin school.

The story of Cyberbullying suffered by Anna

It all started when Anna, as commonly happens in every class, bickering with companions who, instead of replicating and communicating, create a secret chat. In this chat, they vent by intimidating and humiliating the girl, with terrible phrases such as "kill yourself, no one will miss you“. When this ruthless game started, some of his teammates, aware of the goal, withdrew from the chat.


Meanwhile the days and hours went by intimidation and humiliation they continued, between insults, private messages or publications on social networks. To isolate her completely, they had gone as far as spreading the rumor that Anna was suffering from Ebola. Don't pay for so much squalor, they have begun to mock her even along the corridors of the school, imitating her gestures and psychologically depressing her.

The girl tried to change the behaviors, with the intention of avoiding them. She came in late to school, she didn't go out for recess, she waited for the class to empty when the end of class bell rang, but she was unable to avoid anything insults and cruelty.

When Anna, unable to bear the suffering tells everything to the mother, she immediately goes to file a complaint with the Postal Police, which opens an investigation into stalking and inciting suicide. At the moment, the investigations have started for 15 minors.

 The case is being investigated Juvenile Attorney's Office and the Juvenile Anti-Violence Center of Latina, which will address what happened with the boys guilty of inflicting humiliation and cruelty on their partner.