Ukraine: devastated by war, but its people continue to pray to God.

Ukraine continues to pray

Despite the fear, the Ukrainian people have in their hearts the peace brought by the message of Jesus. Ukraine resists.

There is still no peace for Ukraine. A war-torn nation, unjustly invaded, and the people subjected to all kinds of suffering. The sirens of air raid alarms continue to sound at any hour of the day or night, terrifying the defenseless inhabitants of large cities and small villages.

Ukraine is no longer safe. There are no places where you can take refuge, there are no streets or squares where you can stop in peace. Life has become a real hell, enlisted men left for the front, women who don't know how to feed their children, the cold gripping in its grip, given the lack of heating.

All of this leads to one thought. Why are so many citizens of Ukraine singing praise to God instead of thinking about survival? In photos and on the news, images often appear of people gathered in squares or under subway tunnels, with their hands folded intent on praying. This thing makes all those who do not entrust themselves to divine mercy reflect in life. How is it possible to think about prayer when one should be overcome with fear?

Ukraine war pray

Bombs fall from the sky and tear apart buildings causing innocent victims, hunger grips the stomach and the cold freezes the bones. Still, many Ukrainians kneel and fold their hands in prayer, others display their crucifix with dignity and respect.

Ukraine weeps bitter tears. Ukraine is a land raped to the core. Yet, there is an inner peace that only God can give. Jesus himself, as written in the word of GOD, "exhorts us to consider his presence in the Christian life", necessary to overcome all trials, even the most difficult ones. He himself exhorts us to prayer as a weapon to be used against all adversity.

Prayer is a powerful tool with which to fight every battle in life. God has given us a great tool of faith. He urges all who want help to pray:

Take… the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; pray at all times. (Ephesians 6:17-18).

Ukraine, still tormented by war, resists, holding a powerful weapon: that of the Holy Spirit.

Even Jesus fought against Satan using the weapon of prayer. Let us all pray that this war ends as soon as possible. Let us pray together with the Ukrainian people: Praise to you O Christ victor of all battles.