Another miracle of Padre Pio: he visited a man in prison

Another miracle of Padre Pio: a new story about the saint's gift of bilocation. The holiness of the Capuchin priest Francesco Forgione. Born in Pietrelcina, Italy, in the year 1885, he was a devout certainty for many faithful. Even before the "gifts" that history and testimonies attribute to him: stigmata, bilocation (being in two places at the same time).

The ability to read consciences while listening to them confessions and to intercede in prayer for God to heal people - they were common knowledge. St. John Paul II officially canonized him on June 16, 2002. How San Pio of Pietrelcina, whose feast is celebrated by the Church on 23 September.

The witness who interviewed Padre Pio himself

Andrea Tornielli says that the book contains the story of Angelo Battisti. Director of the Casa Alivio del Sufrimiento and typist for the Vatican Secretariat of State. Battisti was one of the witnesses in the beatification process of the holy friar.

Another miracle of Padre Pio: The cardinal József Mindszenty, archbishop of Esztergom. Primate prince of Hungary, he was imprisoned by the Communist authorities in December 1948 and sentenced to life imprisonment the following year.

He was wrongly accused of conspiring against the socialist government. He remained in prison for eight years, then under house arrest, until his release during the popular uprising of 1956. He took refuge in theEmbassy of the United States in Budapest until 1973. The year in which Paul VI forced him to leave and give up. his archdiocese.

In those prison years, Padre Pio appeared in the cardinal's cell by bilocation.

“While he was in San Giovanni Rotondo. The Capuchin carrying the stigmata went to bring bread and wine to the Cardinal. Destined to be transformed into the body and blood of Christ ... "

Testimony on the Saint of the Gargano

“The stigmata would confirm the holiness of Padre Pio and his union with the Cross of Christ as a victim soul for the good of the world. The bloody and terribly painful marks of the wounds of the Lord's Passion on his hands, feet and side reveal an example of the most sublime union between a man and his Savior. Like St. Francis before lui, Padre Pio was favored with the stigmata because he had submerged his individual self in Christ, so as to truly become an alter Christus, that is, "another Christ". Padre Pio wore the stigmata for 50 years, until his death on September 23, 1968. His stigmata had been widely witnessed; even one of the doctors sent to examine the Father by the Holy See, Amico Nignami, who was an outspoken atheist, ended up recognizing his stigmata as authentic and a gift from God ”.

Prayer to St. Pio of Pietralcina to ask for a grace