An actress converted in Medjugorje: save thanks to the seven pater, ave and glory

A CONVERTED ACTRESS: twice save for the 7 Pater Ave Gloria and I think

Oriana says:

Until two months ago, I lived in Rome sharing the house with Narcisa. We both chose to be actresses; then Rome, then tryouts, then appointments, phone calls and occasionally some chores, a great desire to "do it" but also a lot of anger and resentment towards those who "could" give you a hand, but they don't care about everyone, or worse, and much more frequently, unfortunately, it offers you the opportunity to work "naturally" in exchange for something else, superfluous to specify what. In the midst of all this confusion experienced for 4 years, how cold, how many sandwiches left on your stomach, how many miles of ground coffee, how many disappointments!

April 87: Narcisa and I go home to spend a few days with their family members, she is from a town in the province of Alessandria, I am from Genoa.

One day Narcisa says to me: “You know? I'm leaving, I'm going to Yugoslavia ”. I think of a relaxing trip, and I answer: "Do well, blessed are you!" "But no! But no! - she says excitedly -, have you never heard of Medjugorje? "

And I: "??? What ??? "" ... Medjugorje ... where Our Lady appears! Anna, my friend from Milan, wants to take me to Medjugorje and so I decided to go, ready, can you hear me? " And I: "To hear you I hear you, only that you sambra me that you give the numbers more than usual".

After a week her mother, very upset, says to me on the phone:

“That madwoman is still there, Angelo is back (Narcisa's boyfriend), Anna too, and she has remained there, she is mad! she's crazy! " After a couple of days I still find myself laughing at the laughter, at the mere thought that Narcisa is still there, mad with who knows how many other mad people who say that the Madonna is there ...

April 26: last day of stay in the countryside. In a few days I have to go back to Rome and I will go by train to Genoa. I am in Tortona, intermediate station, a few meters away when the train arrives for Genoa, the platform is crowded; and who do I see? Narcisa! It seems to me just out of a puddle: it is in a state of total disorder. She says excitedly: “I have to talk to you, call me as soon as you arrive. Now you have the train and there is no time, but promise me one thing. Promise me you'll do my thing, tell me you'll do it! ". I don't understand anything anymore, she who keeps repeating "Promise me you will", people who look at us and think that we have run away from some hospital, shame assails me. She presses, undaunted and heedless of the giggles of those around us.

Cut, the bull's head finally exclaiming: "Okay, I promise you I will do this thing !!!", flash of joy in the eyes of Narcisa, who sticks a rosary in my hand (... "Come on, here in front of all these people, what a figure! have you become stupid? ") and says to me:" The Creed; 7 Our Father; 7 Ave Maria; 7 Glory every day for a month. "

I almost miss, I stammer: "What ????", but she fearless and satisfied: "You promised it". The whistle of the train separates us, I seem to come out of an incite. Narcisa takes care of me with her little hand and shouts:

"Ml will tell!"; I nod and the people who go up with me look at me and chuckle. Mamma mia what a figure! I promised it, I just have to keep the promise, even if torn almost by force, and then Narcisa said that the Madonna in this month will give special thanks to those who pray to her.

... Days go by, and my daily appointment goes on without forgetting, indeed, strangely it becomes "the thing" that I feel I want to do with more urgency and urgency. I don't ask, I don't ask for myself, I just say my prayers and stop.

Narcisa and I return to Rome, and life crushes us once again. You keep talking to me about Medjugorje, that there you pray a lot and don't struggle! " that they are all good, understanding and loving each other! "

The days go by and now I know a lot about Medjugorje, I heard things that I didn't even know could ever happen, but above all Narcisa, I live her shocking change, she is "strange", she goes to Mass, she prays, she even says the rosary and often I drag inside some church. Narcisa leaves, leaves Rome for 4-5 days and I remain alone in a house that I do not love, with the incessant worries of work, of affection .., ml falls upon me in the blackest anguish, a depression never touched: I no longer sleep at night, I cry. Four long days of absolute desolation: and for the first time, truly the first time in my life, I find myself thinking seriously about suicide.

I, who have always said to love life so much, that I have many friends who love me and whom I love, a mother and father who "adore" their only daughter, I want to disappear, to get away from everything and everyone ... And while the tears roll down my shocked face, I suddenly remember the prayers made every day for the whole month, and I cry out: “Mama, Heavenly Mama help me please, help me because I can't take it anymore, help me! help me! Help me! Please!". The next day Narcisa comes back: I try to hide in some way the humiliation that is in me, and she chatting to me says: "But do you know that here near Rome there is a place called S. Vittorino?".

The following afternoon, June 25, I am in S. Vittorino. Li someone then told us that there is Father Gino, who perhaps has the stigmata and who often "intercedes" also for healing. I am struck by the tall and imposing figure of Father Gino. On the surface, apparently nothing happened, yet, during those two hours, I have the impression that "something" has started to crack, break and "open" inside me.

We start again with the firm intention of returning as soon as possible. After about ten days, on July 9, at 8 in the morning, we walk for the second time, serene and full of "desire for something", the NS gate of Fatima. At this point I think it is right and important to say a few things about myself: for 15 years I have not confessed and in these 15 years I have thrown myself "in fish" in any type of adventure and distraction, so much so that at the age of 19 I knew the drugs and bad companies; at 20 (as it is difficult to say) abortion; at 21 I ran away from home and married (in common) with "one" who for two years beat me, oppressed me in all possible and imaginable ways; at 23, finally the decision to leave and go home and, after four months of nervous breakdown, the legal separation. Then forced to flee from Genoa for the constant threats of my ex-husband. Practically exiled!

I believe it is important to reveal the kind of "experiences" and "dirt" that I carried inside until that wonderful day of Thursday 9 July, the day I was born for the second time. In spite of all the evil I have done to the Lord and my Heavenly Mother, They have loved me so much. When I think about it I have to cry.

That morning I threw myself into the confessional, I think I was there for almost two hours, I was sweating and I never knew where to start or how to say it, my faults were so many and serious! When I went out, I could hardly believe that Jesus had really forgiven me everything, absolutely everything, yet I felt inside me that yes, it was so, it was wonderfully so. Of course I had my long penance, I never thought: "It is too much", indeed day by day it has even become pleasant. That day I received Communion after more than 15 years. Later Father Gino gave us the individual blessing and my eyes met with his. Let them go home, and from that very evening I felt free; the anguish, the depression, the inner sadness, the desperation and all my bad feelings were gone, evaporated.

Of course the work has continued and continues to give me problems, but now it's different. Pure The uncertain future, the lack of money and certain disappointments knocked me down and made me feel so bad, now, despite not having won any lottery .., I am serene, calm, I am not angry and furious anymore, it is as if inside and around there was something soft and tender to me that softens everything, that softens, that makes me feel good, in short. Less than eight months have passed since 9 July 1987, yet it seems to me more. Now I try to live a true Christian life, I confess every month, I go to Mass, I take Communion and "I speak" often to Jesus and the Heavenly Mother. I hope and wish to become more and more "alive" in faith and that the Holy Spirit ml help to improve and grow.

I often think back to that day, when Narcisa said "promise to do it" and I said "yes"; I think of the shame I felt for her and for me, in front of the people who looked at us in amazement, and instead I think of how today I want to "shout" to the world "I LOVE MY CELESTIAL MOTHER!".

Here, this is my story, I think it's a story similar to many others, wonderfully similar! I would like to go to Medjugorje to say thank you to the Mother who saved me; thanks because I didn't deserve anything and instead I received everything; thank you for this gift, the most beautiful, of which I even ignored the existence!

To Jesus and the Heavenly Mother of Medjugorje!