A doctor claims to have recovered from the tumor in Medjugorje

There are many people who claim to have obtained extraordinary healing by praying in Medjugorje. In the archives of the parish of that town in Herzegovina, where the apparitions of Our Lady began on June 24, 1981, hundreds of testimonies are collected, with medical documentation, concerning as many cases of unexplained healings, some of which are truly sensational. Like that, for example, of doctor Antonio Longo, a doctor in Portici, in the province of Naples.

Today Dr. Longo is 78, and is still in full business. <>, he says. <>.

The doctor Antonio Longo has since become a passionate witness. <>, he says. <>.

In thanks for the prodigious healing received, Dr. Longo dedicates much of his time to helping others. Not only as a doctor, but also as an "Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist". <>, he says with satisfaction. <>.

Doctor Longo reflects for a moment and then adds: <>.

I ask Dr. Longo to summarize the history of his illness and recovery.

<>, he immediately says with enthusiasm.

“I decided to undergo a series of clinical analyzes and tests to clarify the situation. The answers only confirmed my fears. All indications implied that I had been suffering from a bowel tumor.

“In mid-July, the situation precipitated. Terrible pains in the abdomen, stomach, blood loss, a worrying clinical picture. I was rushed to the Sanatrix clinic in Naples. Professor Francesco Mazzei, who was treating me, said that I had to be operated on. And he added that no time should be wasted. The intervention was scheduled for the morning of July 26, but the professor was hit by flu with a fever of forty. In my condition I could not wait and had to look for another surgeon. I turned to Professor Giuseppe Zannini, a luminary of medicine, director of the Institute of Surgical Semeiotics of the University of Naples, specialist in blood vessel surgery. I was transported to the Mediterranean Clinic, where Zannini worked, and the operation was performed on the morning of July 28th.

“It was a delicate intervention. In technical terms, I was subjected to a "left hemicollectomy". That is, they removed a portion of my intestine which was subjected to a histological examination. Result: "tumor".

“The response was a blow to me. As a doctor, I knew what was ahead of me. I felt lost. I had faith in medicine, surgical techniques, new drugs, cobalt treatments, but I also knew that very often having a tumor meant, then, moving towards a terrible end, full of excruciating pain. I still felt young. I thought of my family. I had four children and all still students. I was full of worries and fidgeted.

“The only real hope in that desperate situation was prayer. Only God, Our Lady could save me. In those days the newspapers talked about what was happening in Medjugorje and I immediately felt a great attraction towards those facts. I began to pray, my family went on a pilgrimage to the Yugoslav village to ask Our Lady for the grace to remove the specter of the tumor from me.

“Twelve days after the surgery, my points were taken away and the postoperative course seemed to be proceeding in the best way. Instead, on the fourteenth day, an unexpected collapse occurred. A "dehiscence" of the surgical wound. That is, the wound opened completely, as if it had just been done. And not only the external wound, but also the internal one, the intestinal one, causing diffuse peritonitis, very high fever. A real disaster. My conditions were very serious. For a few days I was judged to be dying.

“Professor Zannini, who was on vacation, returned immediately and took the desperate situation in his hand with great authority and competence. By resorting to particular techniques, he managed to stop the "dehiscence", bringing the wound back into conditions that would allow a new, albeit slow, healing. However, in this phase numerous abdominal mini-fistula arose, which then concentrated in one, but very showy and serious.

“The situation therefore worsened. The terrible threat of the tumor remained, with possible metastases, and to it was added the presence of the fistula, that is, of the wound, always open, source of great pains and worries.

“I stayed in the hospital for four months, during which the doctors tried in every way to close the fistula, but to no avail. I went home in pitiful conditions. I couldn't even lift my head when they gave me a spoonful of water.

“The fistula in the abdomen had to be medicated two three times a day. These were special dressings, which had to be performed with perfectly sterilized surgical instruments. A constant torment.

“In December, my condition worsened again. I was hospitalized and underwent another surgery. In July, one year after the first surgery, another very serious crisis with vomiting, pain, intestinal blockage. New urgent hospitalization and new delicate surgery. This time I stayed in the clinic for two months. I always went home in bad condition.


“In those conditions, I kept going around. I was a finished man. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't work, I couldn't travel, I couldn't make myself useful. I was a slave and victim of that horrible fistula, with the sword of Damocles on my head because the tumor could reform and could cause metastasis.


“I couldn't believe my eyes. I felt inundated with tremendous joy. I think I cried. We called the other family members and everyone saw what had happened. As I always said, I immediately decided to leave for Medjugorje to go and thank Our Lady. Only she could have accomplished that prodigy. No wound can heal overnight. Much less a fistula, which is a very serious and deep wound, affecting the abdominal tissue and the intestine. For the healing of such a fistula, we would have had to observe a slow improvement for days on end. Instead everything had happened in a few hours.


<>, concludes Dr. Antonio Longo < >.

Renzo Allegri

Source: WHY THE LADY APPEARS IN MEDJUGORJE By Father Giulio Maria Scozzaro - Catholic Association of Jesus and Mary .; Interview with Vicka by Father Janko; Medjugorje the 90s of Sister Emmanuel; Maria Alba of the Third Millennium, Ares ed. … and others ….
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