An unknown miracle of Padre Pio


A lady says: “It was 1947, I was thirty-eight and I was suffering from a bowel tumor ascertained by x-rays. Surgery was decided. Before entering the hospital I wanted to go to Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo. My husband, my daughter and a friend of hers accompanied me. AvFOTO6.jpg (6923 byte) I longed to confess to the Father to speak with him about my problem but it was not possible because Padre Pio at a certain point, left the confessional and decided to leave. I was disappointed and cried for not meeting. My husband told another friar the reason for our pilgrimage. The latter, penetrating into my situation, promised to report everything to Padre Pio. A little later I was called into the convent corridor. Padre Pio, even among so many people, seemed interested only in my people. He asked me the reason for my obvious distress and encouraged me by assuring me that I was in good hands ... and that he would pray to God for me. I was amazed as I realized that the Father did not know either the surgeon or me. However, with serenity and hope, I undertook the surgery. The surgeon was the first to cry out for a miracle. Even with the x-rays in his hands, he had to operate on unsuspected appendicitis because ... there was no trace of the tumor. That surgeon, an unbeliever, from that moment had the gift of faith and had the Crucifix placed in all the rooms of the clinic. I returned to San Giovanni Rotondo after a brief convalescence and saw the Father who, at that moment, was heading towards the sacristy. She stopped suddenly and, addressing me with a smile, said: “Did you see that you came back? She gave me her hand to kiss which, moved, I held in mine.