An old man from the afterlife appears to Padre Pio and talks to him about Purgatory ...


Towards the autumn of 1917, Father Paolino's sister, superior of the Capuchin monastery, Assunta di Tommaso, who had come to visit her brother and slept in the guesthouse was at that time in S. Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia).
One evening, after dinner, Padre Pio and Father Paolino went to greet their sister, who stayed near the hearth. When they were there, Father Paolino said: P. Pio, you can stay here by the fire, while we go to the church to recite the prayers. - Padre Pio, who was tired, sat on the bed with the usual crown in his hand, when he is seized by a sleepiness that immediately passes him, he opens his eyes and sees an old man wrapped in a small coat who was sitting near the fire . Padre Pio, upon seeing him, says: Oh! Who are you? and what do you do? - The old man replies: I am ..., I died burnt in this convent (in room n. 4, as Don Teodoro Vincitore told me ...) and I am here to serve my purgatory for this fault of mine ... - Padre Pio promised that the day afterwards he would apply Mass for him and that he would not show up there again. Then he accompanied her to the tree (the elm that still exists today) and there he fired him.
For more than a day Father Paolino saw him a little fearful, and asked him what had happened to him that evening. He replied that he felt unwell. Finally one day he confessed everything. Then Father Paolino went to the Municipality (registry office) and actually found in the records that in the convent he had burned in the year x an old man named Di Mauro Pietro (1831-1908). Everything corresponded to what Padre Pio had said. Since then the dead man no longer appeared.
(P. Alessandro da Ripabottoni - P. Pio da Pietralcina - Franciscan cultural center, Foggia, 1974; pp. 588-589).