A candle for St. Judas: the saint of exiles and lost causes

Today we will tell you about a very particular saint, perhaps a little special in his own way. I wonder if you know him too and if you too have sometimes felt like part of the exiles or lost causes. Well St. Jude Thaddeus he is precisely the saint of these 2 causes.


Le lost causes are those situations that seem to have no solution, those in which it seems that nothing can be done to improve the situation. In these cases, St. Jude represents a light of hope. He is able to provide the help and the support necessary to overcome the difficult situation and find a solution.

- exiled, that is, those who have been forced to move away from their place of origin, find in San Giuda a friend and protector. He is able to understand their suffering, their loneliness and their sense of hopelessness. Also, this saint is able to help the exiles find the courage and the strength to carry on, even in difficult situations.

Judas Thaddeus

Who was St. Jude

St. Jude is the patron of exiles and lost causes. He is also known as Judas Thaddeus or Judas the apostle.

Most of the information about him comes from New Testament, where he is identified as one of Jesus' twelve apostles.

After the death and resurrection of Jesus, St. Jude did a lot of missionary work, going to preach in different parts of Asia and the Middle East. He is said to have made many Miracles, In particular the healing of sick and infirm.

According to tradition it was martyred for his faith, but the circumstances of his death are uncertain. Some say he was killed with a wooden club before being beheaded, while others believe he was crucified in Armenia.

Despite his death, the veneration for San Giuda it continued to be very widespread. In particular, he was often invoked to obtain divine intercession in situations desperate or seemingly hopeless.