A key to Heaven ...


Jesus says (Mt 16,26:XNUMX):
"What good is it for man to gain the whole world if he then loses his soul?"
Therefore the most important business of this life is eternal salvation.
Do you want to save yourself? Be devoted to the Most Holy Virgin, Mediator of all graces, reciting Tre Ave Maria every day.
Saint Matilde of Hackeborn, a Benedictine nun who died in 1298, thinking with fear of her death, prayed to Our Lady to assist her at that extreme moment.

The response of the Mother of God was most consoling: "Yes, I will do what you ask me, my daughter, however, I ask you to recite Tre Ave Maria every day: the first to thank the Eternal Father for making me almighty in Heaven and on earth; the second to honor the Son of God for having given me such science and wisdom to surpass that of all the Saints and all the Angels, and for having surrounded me with such splendor as to illuminate all Paradise as a shining sun; the third to honor the Holy Spirit for having lit the most ardent flames of his love in my heart and for making me so good and benign as to be, after God, the sweetest and most merciful. "

And here is the special promise of Our Lady that applies to everyone:
"At the hour of death I:
I will be there by comforting you and removing any evil force from you.
I will infuse you with light of faith and knowledge, so that your faith is not tempted by ignorance.
I will assist you in the hour of your passing by infusing the sweetness of Divine Love into your soul so that it will prevail in you so as to change every pain and bitterness of death into great sweetness "
(Liber specialis gratiae pl chap. 47)

Many saints, including Sant'Alfonso Maria de Liguori, San Giovanni Bosco, San Pio di Pietrelcina, were propagators of the devotion of the Three Hail Marys.
The apostolate of the Three Hail Marys has been approved and encouraged by the Supreme Pontiffs.
Someone might object that there is great disproportion in obtaining eternal salvation with the simple daily recitation of the Three Hail Marys. Well at the Marian Congress of Einsiedeln in Switzerland, Father G: Battista de Blois replied thus:
“If this means seems to you to be disproportionate to the end that you want to achieve with it (eternal salvation), you just have to claim from the Holy Virgin who enriched him with his special promise; or better yet you must take it out on God himself who has granted you such power. Besides, is it not in the Lord's habits to work the greatest wonders with means that seem the simplest and most disproportionate? God is the absolute master of his gifts. And the Most Holy Virgin in her power of intercession, responds disproportionately to the small tribute, but proportionate to her love as a very tender mother ".
For this the Venerable Servant of God Luigi Maria Baudoin wrote:
“Recite the Three Hail Marys every day. If you are faithful in paying this tribute of homage to Mary, I promise you Heaven ".

Pray every day like this morning or evening (better morning and evening):
Mary, Mother of Jesus and my Mother, defend me from the snares of the Evil One in life and particularly in the hour of death, for the power that the Eternal Father has granted you.
- Ave Maria…..
By the Wisdom that the Divine Son granted you.
- Ave Maria….
For the Love that the Holy Spirit has granted you.
- Ave Maria….