A devotion to use your spiritual gifts

A prayer to use your spiritual gifts

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. - John 14:26

Have you ever seen a fire that starts to burn to the point that all you have left is coals? There appears to be no fire left, as the coals may be under a layer of ash. You can't really see much. But when you take a fresh log and throw it over those coals and mix it up a bit, it suddenly lights up and you have a whole new fire burning.


Paul wrote to Timothy: "Revive the gift of God that is in you by the laying on of my hands" (2 Timothy 1: 6). That phrase stimulates the gift means feeding it with full heat.

There may be hot coals in your life, but you let the fire go out. You didn't use the gifts God gave you, the talents he gave you. Time to ventilate them over full heat again. It is time to rekindle. Time to say, "Lord, how can I use what you have given me for your glory until your return?"

We have to take advantage of the opportunities that are out there. There are those who want to have large and visible ministries. They want the applause of men. But if we humble ourselves and take what we have and offer it to God, if we are willing to do what He has set before us and be faithful in the little things, then He will give us something better than visible ministries or applause - He will give us the peace and joy that come from pleasing Him.

Whenever you run a chance, you can fail. But it's better to try than to let nothing happen in your life. I'd rather try and fail than never try.

Heavenly Lord,

Do not let us neglect your Spirit or the gifts you have given us. Give us the courage to use these gifts and the humility not to use them for our glory, but for you and for your glory. Help us see the good work you have ready for us and embrace that work with availability and joy.

In the name of Jesus, amen.