A descent of human bones down the hill in Madjugorje: the shocking testimony of a gynecologist

Today we will tell you the shocking testimony of one gynecologist, who after having an apparition on the hill of Medjugorje, converts.

Apparition Hill

Valentina is a young woman who began her journey of conversion in 2007 and takes care of accompanying pilgrims visiting Medjugorje. That day she was accompanying a group of abortion doctors. Among them was a gynecologist with thousands of abortions behind her.

The group went on Podbrdo hill, where the Madonna manifested herself to the seers and where the statue is today.

The vision and conversion of the gynecologist

The gynecologist says that as soon as she set foot on the hill, something disturbing happened. All the sassi present on the ground turned into human bones and skulls, belonging to all children who had aborted in 40 years of work. She reaching out her hand she yelled in shock for the rest of the group to look at them because those were her hands that had killed an entire city. Her life passed before her and in an instant she realized all the harm she had done. So she decided to convert and quit forever with abortions.

pile of bones

It was not only the woman who had a touching experience that day, other doctors also experienced it grace of God and many of them were converted.

Valentina still continues with the journey today and continues to accompany abortion doctors to the hill to make them understand that life is important and remains a sacred and inviolable gift.

THEabortion is probably one of the most sensitive and controversial issues of modern society. It is a matter of great complexity, which involves ethical, religious, political and social values, and which profoundly divides the opinions of public opinion.

On the one hand, there are those who advocate the right of the woman to decide on her pregnancy, on the basis of considerations related to her health, her economic situation or her personal ambitions. On the other hand, there are those who consider abortion to be an immoral act which violates the right to life of the unborn child.