"A mysterious figure dressed in white came to save me" the story of the child pulled alive from the rubble in Turkey.

This is an extraordinary fact that took place in Turkey which sees a bimbo 5 year old, found alive under the rubble 8 days after the earthquake.


The child we will talk about tells his extraordinary story, which immediately goes around the world. No one would have ever imagined that he would be able to save himself after all those hours spent under the rubble, but luckily his name joins that of other people, elderly and not, he lives by a miracle.

For well 192 hours it was in the dark, in the cold, stuck under the rubble. Rescuers asked him how he survived and the boy replied that a figure dressed in white had brought him food and drink and then disappeared.


The figure dressed in white

But who could that mysterious figure dressed in white be: There are many hypotheses, but people like to think that it was a angelo who watched over him and saved him.

In the worst of tragedies these episodes bode well and make us understand how the Providencegiving a light and a hope.


even the Holy Father ask for prayers for all the people who have lost loved ones and who continue to struggle to live.

The dusty faces of the little ones, which we see on all social networks and on the news, are the only good news of the Apocalypse that has hit Syria and Turkey. No one will ever forget the face of Aya, the face of the miracle of life in the midst of death. She was born in the midst of the rubble and remained tied to her dead mother by the umbilical cord. And how can we forget the 7-month-old baby pulled alive from the rubble after 6 days.

Now the 5-year-old boy is added to the list of surviving angels as if to testify that life is sometimes stronger than death.