An unprecedented prayer to ward off your disappointments

Una unpublished prayer: when Covid caused drastic changes, I lamented the loss of so many expected moments. I shared my emotions through prayer, naming specifically every disappointment and why it stung. He listened and then spoke, assuring me that he would still fill a special day with joy.

Our disappointments can lead to disillusionment, which we often do turn away from God. Or they can draw us to the One who knows us, loves us and promises to do all things for our good and for His glory (Romans 8:28).

When I fight negative emotions, my prayers tend to follow a typical pattern. I begin by honestly expressing my feelings one by one. Sometimes I will use the Psalms as prayer suggestions. These ancient writings reveal the depth of humanity and the peace and comfort that come when, in times of disappointed expectations, we seek God.

An unprecedented prayer to release your disappointments:

David, the second king of ancient Israel, wrote the Psalm 13 during a period of despair, stating: “O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way? How long do I have to struggle every day with anguish in my soul, with pain in my heart? How long will my enemy have the upper hand " (Psalm 13: 1-3).

In Psalm 55 , he wrote: “Please listen to me and answer me, because I am overwhelmed by my troubles. … My heart is beating hard in my chest. The terror of death assails me. Fear and tremor overwhelm me and I can't stop shaking " (Psalm 55: 2, 4-5).

Following David's example, ask God to look away from the things you are tempted to hold on to today so that you can find joy in yours real treasure, God. While this probably won't eliminate your disappointments, see the grace of God it could muffle them with hope.

When you feel that your strength is lacking, say this prayer