A prayer to have patience to wait for God to intervene

Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. - Salmo 27: 14 Impatience. Every single day comes my way. Sometimes I can see it coming, but other times I'll find it staring me straight in the face, making fun of me, testing me, waiting to see what I'll do with it. Waiting patiently is a challenge many of us face every day. We have to wait for meals to be ready, for salaries to arrive, for traffic lights to change, and above all for other people. Every single day we have to be patient in our thoughts, words and actions. We must also wait patiently for the Lord. We often pray continuously for people and situations, waiting for an answer that never seems to come. This verse not only tells us to wait patiently for the Lord, but then says that we must be brave and courageous.

We must be brave. We can choose to be courageous in the moment of crisis without fear. In those painful and difficult situations we encounter, we must wait for the Lord to answer our prayers. It has already done so and we can be sure that it will do so once again. We must be courageous as we face our painful and difficult situations, even as we struggle with fear in the midst of it. Courage is making the determination in your mind, that you will have to face your difficulties head on. You can have that courage, because you know you have God on your side. It says in Jeremiah 32:27 "Nothing is too difficult for me." Psalm 27:14 says: “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord “. Not only does he tell us to wait patiently for the Lord, but he affirms it twice! Regardless of the situation, regardless of the level of fear we have, we must wait patiently for the Lord to do what He will do. That waiting posture is probably the most important thing we can do in our life. So, step aside and let God be God. If we can give him the opportunity to move both in our lives and in the lives of others, it could turn out to be the most amazing thing ever!

No matter what you face today or tomorrow, you can fill your heart and thoughts with peace. God is at work in your life. It is moving things we cannot see. It is changing hearts. It says this in Jeremiah 29:11 "Because I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." When God moves in your life, share it with others. They need to hear it as much as you need to share it. Our faith grows every time we listen to what God is doing. We are bold in declaring that God is alive, that he is at work and that he loves us. We wait patiently for Him to move in our lives. Remember that our timing is imperfect, but that the Lord's timing is absolute perfection. 2 Peter 3: 9 says this: “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some mean slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, he does not want anyone to die, but that everyone comes to repentance ”. So, since God is patient with you, you can be absolutely patient while you wait for Him. He loves you. He is with you. Reach out to Him at all times and in all situations and wait expectantly to see what He will do. It will be great! Prayer: Dear Lord, As I go through my days, dealing with each of the situations before me, I pray that you give me the strength to be patient as I wait for you to move through each one. Help me be brave and brave when the fear gets strong and time passes so slowly. Help me cast fear away as I keep my eyes on you in every single situation today. In your name, please, Amen.