A prayer to ask the Blessed Virgin Mary for help

This prayer, asking for the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is addressed to Jesus Christ, the source of the blessings and protection that the Blessed Virgin bestows on those who seek her intercession. As such, it illustrates an important point: all the intercessory prayer, even through the saints, is directed to man's relationship with God.

May we be assisted, we beg you, O Lord, with the adored intercession of your glorious Mother, the ever Virgin Mary; that we, who have been enriched by his perpetual blessings, can be freed from all dangers, and through his loving kindness made to be a heart and a mind: who lives and reigns the world without end. Amen.

This prayer may initially seem strange to us. Catholics are used to praying to the saints, as well as praying to God, in all three people, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; but why should we pray to our Lord Jesus Christ to seek the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary? After all, when the Mother of God intercedes for us, she does so by praying to God himself. Does this not mean that this prayer is a sort of circular prayer?

Well, yes, in a way. But it's not as strange as it might seem at first glance. For example, imagine being stuck somewhere and needing some sort of physical help. We could pray to Christ to send someone to assist us. But spiritual dangers are even more dangerous than physical ones and, of course, we are not always aware of the forces that are attacking us. By asking Jesus for help from His Mother, we do not ask for help right now, and for those dangers that we know how to threaten; We ask him for his intercession at all times and in all places and against all dangers, whether we recognize them or not.

And who better to intercede for us? As the prayer notes, the Blessed Virgin Mary has already provided many good things for us through her previous intercession.

Definitions of words used
Beseech: to ask urgently, to beg, to implore
Venerable: reverent, showing worship
Intercession: To intervene on behalf of someone else
Enriched: made richer; here, in the sense of having had an improved life
Perpetual: infinite, repeated
Blessings: good things we are grateful for
Delivered: released or kept free
Loving-kindness: tenderness towards others; consideration
Endless world: in Latin, in saecula saeculorum; literally, "up to the ages or ages", that is "always and always"