A prayer for you

I am your God, loving father of immense glory and infinite mercy. In this dialogue I want to give you a prayer that if done with the heart can work miracles. I really like the prayer of my children, but I want them to pray wholeheartedly, with all of themselves. I love litanic prayer. Repetitions often lead to distraction, but when you pray you abandon your problems, your worries. I know your whole life and I know about it "you need it even before you ask me". Agitation in prayer leads to nothing but only to make prayer sterile. When you pray do not get excited but I who am merciful listen to your prayer and I answer you.

So pray "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me." This prayer was made to my son by the blind man of Jericho and was immediately answered. My son asked him this question "do you think I can do this?" and he had faith in my son and was healed. You must do this too. You must be sure that my son can heal you, free you and give you everything you need. I want you to turn your thoughts away from earthly things, put yourself in the silence of your soul and repeat this prayer "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me" many times. This prayer moves my son's heart and mine and we will do everything for you. You must pray with your heart, with a lot of faith and you will see that the most thorny situations of your life will be solved.

Then I want you to also pray "Jesus remember me when you enter your kingdom". This prayer was made by the good thief on the cross and my son immediately accepted him into his kingdom. Although his sins were many, my son had compassion for the good thief. His act of faith towards my son, with this brief prayer, immediately freed him from all his faults and Heaven was given to him. I want you to do this too. I want you to recognize all your faults and to see in me a merciful father ready to welcome every child who turns with all his heart. This short prayer opens the doors of Heaven, erases all sins, frees from all chains and makes your soul pure and luminous.

I want you to pray wholeheartedly. I don't want your prayer to be just a series of repetitions, but I want that when you do the litanic prayer the heart approaches me and I who am a good father and I know your whole situation I intervene in my omnipotence and do everything for you. Prayer for you must be the food of the soul, it must be like the air you breathe. Without prayer there is no grace and you do not place trust in me but only in yourself. With prayer you can do great things. I don't ask you to spend hours and hours praying but sometimes it is enough for you to dedicate only a little of your time and pray to me with all my heart and I will come to you in an instant, I will be next to you to listen to your pleas.

This is prayer for you. These two gospel sentences that I dictated to you in this dialogue must be your daily prayer. You can do it at any time of the day. When you get up in the morning, before going to sleep, when you walk and in any situation. Then I tell you pray to the "Our Father". This prayer dictated by my son Jesus was given to you to make you understand that I am your father and that you are all brothers. When you pray to it, do not rush but meditate every word. This prayer shows you the way forward and what you need to do.
Whoever prays with the heart follows my will. Those who pray with the heart carry out the plans of life that I have prepared for every man. Whoever prays completes the mission that I have entrusted to him in this world. Whoever prays will one day come to my kingdom. Prayer makes you good, merciful, compassionate, just as I am with you. Follow the teachings of my son Jesus. He always prayed to me when he had to make important choices and I gave him the divine light necessary to do my will. You do the same too.