United before men and before God: love multiplies, is not divided Saint Isidore and Saint Maria Toribia, Saint Silvia and Saint Giordano

Thus we conclude this page dedicated to pairs of saints married to the last 2 couples: Sant'Isidoro and Santa Maria Toribia and Santa Silvia and San Gordiano. Always remember that these examples should help you understand that love multiplies, not divides. One can be holy and love God even by loving a woman or a man. These saints have shown us that faith and love for God in a couple is stronger.

sant'isidoro and santa maria toribia

Sant'Isidoro and Santa Maria Toribia

Sant'Isidoro and Santa Maria Toribia, represents the perfect example of a perfect and godly Christian married life. These two saints have been recognized by the Catholic church as models of the Christian family.

Saint Isidore was originally from Madrid. He was a well respected man and known for his compassion and his dedication to prayer. He got married to Santa Maria Toribia, an equally pious woman, and both settled in their home in Madrid to begin their married life.

The couple yes I commit immediately to fulfill all their family and religious duties with zeal and devotion. Sant'Isidoro was excellent father of the family and he was very concerned about his wife and children. Santa Maria Toribia, on the other hand, was a wonderful mother who loved her children and brought them up in the Christian faith.

Despite their many family worries, both saints always tried to do their best for serve the Lord. St. Isidore dedicated himself to writing and preaching, and became a very popular author and preacher. While Santa Maria Toribia he founded a convent near their city, where he devoted himself to prayer and the education of women.


San Silvia and San Gordiano

This pair of saints they've been revered together for many centuries. St. Silvia it was a woman who dedicated hers life to God, while St. Gordian served as soldier during the Roman wars.

Legend has it that San Silvia was imprisoned in the city of Antioch where he met St. Gordian, who was his jailer. During their time together, they fell in love and got married. Subsequently, they teamed up with the service of God and they began to preach the Gospel.

San Silvia played an important role in the training of the Christian Church, also founding a monastery dedicated to Sant'Agata. St. Gordian, invoked for the protection of property and against earthquakes, was martyred in 362 AD while San Silvia is dead a few years later.