United before men and before God: the couples of married saints

Today we open a page dedicated to couples dmarried saints, to introduce you to the saints who have managed to go further and share the journey of faith to holiness. The church has always taken into account the Sacrament of Marriage, and it was inevitable that there were couples of saints who have transcended the simple union of Christian faith, to unite their souls on a solemn level.

Joseph and Mary

We could not leave with the most important couple, the one formed by Joseph and Mary.

The story of Joseph and Mary

Joseph and Mary represent the most famous married couple of saints in the Christian tradition. Their story, told in the Gospels it is one of the most fascinating and evocative of the whole Bible.

Giuseppe, a native of Nazareth, was a carpenter by profession. Maria, however, was a young girl from Nazareth, daughter of Joachim and Anna. According to biblical tradition, Mary was chosen by God to beget the Son of God, Jesus Christ.


When Mary announced to Joseph that it was pregnant, he was very upset, as he did not understand how it was possible that his wife was expecting a child without having had sexual intercourse with him. However, an angel appeared to him in a dream and revealed to him that the child Mary was carrying was the Son of God and that Joseph had to accept his mission as adoptive father.

From that moment on, Giuseppe was committed to protect and support Maria during her pregnancy, despite the difficulties and opposition of many. When they arrived at Bethlehem, during the Roman census, finding no place in any inn, they were forced to take refuge in a stable, where alone, Maria she gave birth Jesus.

Giuseppe, admired by the huge faith of Mary and the divine birth of Jesus, he protected him and was a loving and attentive father. He always cared for Maria and was known for his devotion to God and his commitment to his work.