United before men and before God: Saint Priscilla and Saint Aquila the first Christians in Rome.

We continue to talk about the couples of saints married to 2 other couples: Aquila and Priscilla, Luigi and Zelia Martin.

Aquila and Priscilla

Aquila and Priscilla

Santa Priscilla and San Aquila were an important couple of Christians who lived in ancient Rome in the XNUMXst century. The couple is known for their fidelity to the Christian faith and their commitment to spreading the message of Christ during a time when Christians were persecuted and considered a heretical movement.

St. Eagle was of Jewish origin and is believed to have known the apostle Paul in Corinth. Him and his wife Priscilla they were textile merchants who lived in Rome and who hosted Paolo in their home. Paul is said to have lived with them for a certain period of time and that he preached in their home.

The married couple was profoundly influenced by the words of Paul exi converted to Christianity. Together with Paul, they engaged in the diffusion of the Gospel in Rome and in other parts of the empire.

The figure of San Aquila and Santa Priscilla has been celebrated by the Christian people since the early period of the Church, as they were among the early Christians in Rome. They are also considered protectors of artisans, traders and spouses.


Luigi and Zelia Martin

St. Louis and Zelia Martin they are a couple of married saints who have dedicated their lives to God and family. Louis Martin was born in France in 1823, e Zelia Guerin in 1831. They met at Alencon and they were married in 1858, having then nine children including little Teresa, later a saint Therese of Lisieux.

The couple experienced suffering with childhood and death premature birth of some of their children, but they always sought comfort in their faith and prayer.

It was a Christian couple model, faithful to the Church and committed to charity towards the next. They have given some of their greatest attention to families in difficulty, abandoned children, and the poor. It was precisely their model of life that he has inspired their daughter, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, to become one Carmelite nun and spiritual writer.