"Men and beasts you save Lord" by Viviana Maria Rispoli


I believe Lord that you love and take care of everything you have created, I believe that even for our dear animals a paradise awaits them. How beautiful animals Lord! How much I bless you every day for all the creatures you have created, how much fantasy, how much beauty, how much strength, how much tenderness in everything you have done. I think of the consolation that you give to many lonely and elderly people who have nothing but a little dog or a cat to keep them company, who show them so much affection and loyalty. But your pets cheer everyone's life, small and large, poor and rich. You created them for us, Lord. Protect them from violent man, from hunters who kill for fun, from heartless people who treat them badly. Protect us too from killing anything that lives because Life is always sacred, live all spiders, mice and flies, bees, vipers and scorpions, they too have the right to live. We don't kill anyone when we can simply drive them away. We do not kill anything that lives because everything has been done in you Lord. We don't kill anything out of respect for you, out of respect for Life. How beautiful Life is in all its manifestations.

Viviana Rispoli A Woman Hermit. Former model, she lives since ten years in a church hall in the hills near Bologna, Italy. She took this decision after the reading of the Vangel. Now she is the custodian of Hermit of San Francis, a project which join people following alternative religious way and which don't found themselves in the official ecclesiastic groups