Gospel of February 17 2019

Book of Jeremiah 17,5-8.
Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man, who places his support in the flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
He will be like a tamarisk in the steppe, when the good comes he does not see it; he will dwell in arid places in the desert, in a land of saltiness, where nobody can live.
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and the Lord is his trust.
He is like a tree planted by the water, spreads its roots towards the current; it does not fear when the heat comes, its leaves remain green; in the year of drought it does not sadden, it does not stop producing its fruits.

Psalms 1,1-
Blessed is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked,
do not delay in the way of sinners
and does not sit in the company of fools;
but welcomes the law of the Lord,
his law meditates day and night.

It will be like a tree planted along waterways,
which will bear fruit in its time
and its leaves will never fall;
all his works will succeed.

Not so, not so the wicked:
but like chaff that the wind disperses.
The Lord watches over the path of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will be ruined.

First letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians 15,12.16-20.
Brothers, if Christ is preached from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
For if the dead are not raised, then Christ is not risen either;
but if Christ is not risen, your faith is in vain and you are still in your sins.
And even those who died in Christ are lost.
If then we have had hope in Christ only in this life, we are to be pitied more than all men.
Now, however, Christ has risen from the dead, the first fruits of those who have died.

From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke 6,17.20-26.
Descended with them, he stopped in a flat place. There was a great crowd of his disciples and a great multitude of people from all over Judea, from Jerusalem and from the coast of Tire and Sidon,
Raise your eyes to his disciples, Jesus said: «Blessed are you poor, because yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who are now hungry, because you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who cry now, because you will laugh.
Blessed are you when men hate you and when they ban you and insult you and reject your name as a villain, because of the Son of man.
Rejoice on that day and rejoice, because, behold, your reward is great in heaven. In the same way their fathers did with the prophets.
But woe to you, rich, because you already have your consolation.
Woe to you who are now satisfied, because you will be hungry. Woe to you who now laugh, because you will be afflicted and you will cry.
Woe to you when all men say good things about you. In the same way their fathers did with false prophets. "