Gospel of 29 July 2018

XVII Sunday of Ordinary Time

Second book of Kings 4,42-44.
An individual came from Baal-Salisa, who offered first fruits to the man of God, twenty loaves of barley and spelled which he had in his saddlebag. Elisha said, "Feed the people."
But the servant said, "How can I put this in front of a hundred people?" He replied: “Feed the people. For thus says the Lord: They will eat of it and he will also go forward.
He placed it before those who ate, and advanced it according to the word of the Lord.

Salmi 145(144),10-11.15-16.17-18.
Lord, all your works praise you
and your faithful bless you.
Say the glory of your kingdom
and talk about your power.

Everyone's eyes are turned to you waiting
and you provide them with food in due time.
You open your hand
and satisfy the hunger of every living thing.

The Lord is just in all his ways,
holy in all his works.
The Lord is close to those who call upon him,
to those who seek him with a sincere heart.

Letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians 4,1: 6-XNUMX.
Brothers, I urge you, the prisoner in the Lord, to behave in a manner worthy of the vocation you have received,
with all humility, meekness and patience, enduring each other with love,
trying to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace.
One body, one spirit, as one is the hope to which you have been called, that of your vocation;
one Lord, one faith, one baptism.
Only one God the Father of all, who is above all, acts through all and is present in all.

From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to John 6,1: 15-XNUMX.
At that time, Jesus went to the other shore of the sea of ​​Galilee, that is, of Tiberiade,
and a large crowd followed him, seeing the signs he made on the sick.
Jesus went up the mountain and sat there with his disciples.
Easter, the feast of the Jews, was near.
Then looking up, Jesus saw that a large crowd was coming to him and said to Philip: "Where can we buy bread for them to have food?".
He said so to test him; for he knew well what he was about to do.
Philip replied, "Two hundred denarii of bread is not enough even for everyone to receive a piece."
Then one of the disciples, Andrew, brother of Simon Peter, said to him:
'There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what is this for so many people? ».
Jesus replied: "Make them sit." There was a lot of grass in that place. So they sat down and there were about five thousand men.
Then Jesus took the loaves and, after giving thanks, distributed them to those who had sat down, and he did the same for the fish, until they wanted.
And when they were satisfied, he said to the disciples: "Collect the leftover pieces, so that nothing is lost."
They collected them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over from those who had eaten.
Then the people, seeing the sign that he had made, began to say: "This is truly the prophet who must come into the world!".
But knowing that they were about to come and get him to make him king, he retired again to the mountain, all alone.