Gospel of 3 October 2018

Book of Job 9,1-12.14-16.
Job replied to his friends saying:
Verily I know it is so: and how can a man be right before God?
If one wanted to argue with him, he would not answer him once in a thousand.
Wise of mind, mighty in strength, who has opposed him and remained safe?
He moves the mountains and they don't know him, in his anger he upsets them.
It shakes the earth from its place and its columns tremble.
It commands the sun and it does not rise and places its seal on the stars.
He alone stretches the skies and walks on the waves of the sea.
Create the Bear and the Orion, the Pleiades and the penetrals of the southern sky.
He does things so big that he can't investigate, wonders he can't count.
Here, he passes me by and I don't see him, he goes away and I don't notice him.
If he kidnaps something, who can stop him? Who can tell him: “What are you doing?”.
Much less could I answer him, find words to say to him!
If I was also right, I would not answer, to my judge I should ask for mercy.
If I invoked him and answered me, I wouldn't believe he listened to my voice.

Salmi 88(87),10bc-11.12-13.14-15.
All day I call you, Lord,
towards you I extend my hands.
Do you do wonders for the dead?
Or do shadows rise to give you praise?

Perhaps your goodness is celebrated in the tomb,
your loyalty to the underworld?
In the darkness perhaps your wonders are known,
your justice in the land of oblivion?

But to you, Lord, I cry for help,
and in the morning my prayer reaches you.
Why, Lord, do you reject me,
why are you hiding your face from me?

From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke 9,57-62.
At that time, while they were going down the street, someone said to Jesus: "I will follow you wherever you go."
Jesus replied, "Foxes have their holes and the birds of the sky their nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head."
To another he said, "Follow me." And he said, "Lord, allow me to go and bury my father first."
Jesus replied: «Let the dead bury their dead; you go and announce the kingdom of God ».
Another said, "I will follow you, Lord, but first let me take my leave of those at home."
But Jesus replied: "No one who has put his hand to the plow and then turns back is fit for the kingdom of God."