Gospel of November 6 2018

Letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Philippians 2,5: 11-XNUMX.
Brothers, have in yourself the same feelings that were in Christ Jesus,
who, although of a divine nature, did not consider his equality with God a jealous treasure;
but he stripped himself, assuming the condition of a servant and becoming like men; appeared in human form,
he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death and death on the cross.
This is why God exalted him and gave him the name which is above all other names;
so that in the name of Jesus every knee bends in the heavens, on earth and underground;
and every tongue proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Salmi 22(21),26bc-27.28-29.31-32.
You are my praise in the great assembly
I will dissolve my vows devoted to his faithful.
before his faithful.
The poor will eat and be satisfied,
those who seek him will praise the Lord:

"Long live their heart forever."
They will remember and return to the Lord
all the ends of the earth,
they will bow down to him
all the families of peoples.
Since the kingdom is of the Lord,

he dominates over all nations.
My descendants will serve the Lord;
we will speak of the Lord to the coming generation;
they will announce his justice;
to the people who will be born they will say:

"Here is the work of the Lord!".

From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke 14,15-24.
At that time, one of the diners said to Jesus: "Blessed is he who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!".
Jesus replied: «A man gave a great dinner and made many invitations.
At dinner time, he sent his servant to say to the guests: Come, he is ready.
But everyone, unanimously, began to apologize. The first said: I bought a field and I have to go see it; please consider me justified.
Another said: I bought five pairs of oxen and I'm going to try them; please consider me justified.
Another said: I got married and therefore I cannot come.
On his return the servant reported all this to the master. Then the landlord, irritated, said to the servant: Go out immediately into the squares and streets of the city and bring poor, lame, blind and lame people here.
The servant said: Lord, it was done as you ordered, but there is still room.
The master then said to the servant: Go out into the streets and along the hedges, push them in, for my house to fill up.
Because I say to you: None of those men who had been invited will taste my dinner. "