Gospel of February 11, 2021 with the comment of Pope Francis

READING OF THE DAY From the book of Genesis Gen 2,18: 25-XNUMX Lord God said: "It is not good for man to be alone: ​​I want to make him a corresponding help." Then the Lord God fashioned from the ground all sorts of wild animals and all the birds of the sky and led them to man, to see how he would call them: however man had called each of the living beings, that had to be his. first name. Thus man imposed names on all the cattle, on all the birds of the sky and on all the wild animals, but for man he did not find a corresponding help. Then the Lord God caused a torpor to descend upon the man, who fell asleep; she took off one of his ribs and closed the meat back into place. The Lord God made a woman out of the rib which He had taken from the man and brought her to the man. Then the man said, 'This time it's bone from my bones, flesh from my flesh. She will be called a woman, because she was taken from the man ». For this the man will abandon his father and his mother and join his wife, and the two will be one flesh. Now both of them were naked, the man and his wife, and they felt no shame.

GOSPEL OF THE DAY From the Gospel according to Mark Mk 7,24: 30-XNUMX At that time, Jesus went to the region of Tire. Having entered a house, he did not want anyone to know, but he could not remain hidden. A woman whose little daughter was possessed by an unclean spirit, as soon as she heard of him, went and fell at his feet. This woman was Greek-speaking and of Syrian-Phoenician origin. She begged him to cast out the devil from her daughter. And he replied: "Let the children be satisfied first, because it is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." But she replied: "Sir, even the dogs under the table eat the crumbs of the children." Then he said to her, "For this word of yours, go: the devil has gone out of your daughter." Returning to her house, she found the girl lying on the bed and the devil was gone.

WORDS OF THE HOLY FATHER “She had exposed herself to the risk of making a bad impression, but she persisted, and from paganism and idolatry she found health for her daughter and for her she found the living God. This is the path of a person of good will, who seeks God and finds him. The Lord blesses her. How many people make this journey and the Lord is waiting for them! But it is the Holy Spirit himself who leads them on this journey. Every day in the Church of the Lord there are people who make this journey, silently, to find the Lord, because they allow themselves to be carried forward by the Holy Spirit ”. (Santa Marta 13 February 2014)