Gospel of February 23, 2021 with the comment of Pope Francis

The expression "in the skies" does not want to express a distance, but a radical diversity of love, another dimension of love, an untiring love, a love that will always remain, indeed, that is always within reach. Just say "Our Father who art in Heaven", and that love comes. Therefore, fear not! None of us are alone. If even by misfortune your earthly father had forgotten about you and you were in a grudge against him, you are not denied the fundamental experience of the Christian faith: that of knowing that you are the beloved child of God, and that there is nothing in life that can extinguish his passionate love for you. (Pope Francis, General Audience February 20, 2019)

READING OF THE DAY From the book of the prophet Isaiah Is 55,10: 11-XNUMX Thus says the Lord: «As rain and snow come down from heaven
and they do not return without irrigating the earth,
without having fertilized and sprouted it,
to give the seed to those who sow
and bread for those who eat,
so it will be with my word that came out of my mouth:
will not return to me without effect,
without having done what I want
and without having accomplished what I sent her for. '

GOSPEL OF THE DAY From the Gospel according to Matthew Mt 6,7: 15-XNUMX At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: «By praying, do not waste words like the pagans: they believe they are being listened to by dint of words. So don't be like them, because your Father knows what things you need even before you ask him. So pray like this:
Our father who art in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
Come your kingdom,
your will be done,
as in heaven so on earth.
Give us today our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts
as we also pass them on to our debtors,
and do not abandon us to temptation,
but deliver us from evil. For if you forgive others their sins, your Father who is in heaven will forgive you too; but if you do not forgive others, not even your Father will forgive your sins ”.