Gospel of January 23, 2021 with the comment of Pope Francis

From the letter to the Jews
Heb 9,2-3.11-14

Brothers, a tent was built, the first, in which there were the candlestick, the table and the loaves of the offering; it was called the Saint. Behind the second veil, then, was the curtain called the Holy of Holies.
Christ, on the other hand, came as the high priest of future goods, through a larger and more perfect tent, not built by human hands, that is, not belonging to this creation. He entered the sanctuary once and for all, not by the blood of goats and calves, but by virtue of his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption.
Indeed, if the blood of goats and calves and the ashes of a heifer, scattered on those who are defiled, sanctify them by purifying them in the flesh, how much more the blood of Christ - who, moved by the eternal Spirit, offered himself without blemish to God - will he purify our conscience from the works of death, because we serve the living God?

From the Gospel according to Mark
Mc 3,20-21

At that time, Jesus entered a house and again a crowd gathered, so that they could not even eat.
Then his folks, having heard this, went out to fetch him; in fact they said: "He is beside himself."

Our God is a God-who-comes - do not forget this: God is a God who comes, continually comes -: He does not disappoint our expectation! Never disappoints the Lord. He came at a precise historical moment and became man to take our sins upon himself - the feast of Christmas commemorates this first coming of Jesus in the historical moment -; he will come at the end of time as a universal judge; and he also comes a third time, in a third way: he comes every day to visit his people, to visit every man and woman who welcomes him in the Word, in the Sacraments, in his brothers and sisters. It is at the door of our heart. Knock. Do you know how to listen to the Lord who knocks, who came today to visit you, who knocks on your heart with a restlessness, with an idea, with an inspiration? (ANGELUS - November 29, 2020)