Gospel of the day February 26, 2021

Gospel of the day February 26, 2021 Pope Francis' comment: From all this we understand that Jesus does not simply give importance to disciplinary observance and external conduct. He goes to the root of the Law, focusing above all on the intention and therefore on the heart of man, from where our good or evil actions originate. To obtain good and honest behavior, juridical norms are not enough, but profound motivations are needed, expression of a hidden wisdom, the Wisdom of God, which can be received thanks to the Holy Spirit. And we, through faith in Christ, can open ourselves to the action of the Spirit, which makes us capable of living divine love. (Angelus, February 16, 2014)

Today's Gospel with reading

Reading of the day From the book of the prophet Ezekiel Ez 18,21: 28-XNUMX Thus says the Lord God: “If the wicked turn away from all the sins he has committed and keep all my laws and act in righteousness and righteousness, he will live, he will not die. None of the sins committed will be remembered anymore, but he will live for the justice he practiced. Is it that I am pleased with the death of the wicked - oracle of the Lord - or rather that I desist from his conduct and live? But if the righteous turns away from justice and commits evil, imitating all the abominable actions that the wicked commits, will he be able to live?

All the righteous works he has done will be forgotten; because of the abuse he has fallen into and the sin he has committed, he will die. You say: The Lord's way of acting is not right. Hear then, house of Israel: Is my conduct not right, or rather yours is not right? If the righteous strays from justice and commits evil and dies because of this, he dies precisely for the evil he has committed. And if the wicked one turns from his wickedness which he has committed and does what is right and just, he makes himself live. He reflected, he distanced himself from all the sins committed: he will certainly live and not die ».

Gospel of the day February 26, 2021

From the Gospel according to Matthew
Mt 5,20-26 At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: "If your righteousness does not surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. You have heard that it was said to the ancients: You will not kill; whoever kills must be subjected to judgment. But I tell you: whoever gets angry with his brother will have to be subjected to judgment. Who then says to his brother: Stupid, must be submitted to the synèdrio; and whoever says to him: Mad, will be destined for the fire of Geènna. So if you present your offering at the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, first go and be reconciled with your brother and then return to offer yours. gift. Agree with your opponent quickly while you walk with him, so that the opponent does not hand you over to the judge and the judge to the guard, and you are thrown into prison. In truth I tell you: you will not get out of there until you have paid the last penny! ».