Gospel of February 8, 2021 with the comment of Pope Francis


From the book of Gènesi
Jan 1,1-19
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was shapeless and deserted and darkness covered the abyss and the spirit of God hovered over the waters.
God said, "Let there be light!" And the light was. God saw that the light was good and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, while He called the darkness night. And it was evening and morning: the first day.
God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters to separate the waters from the waters." God made the firmament and separated the waters that are under the firmament from the waters that are above the firmament. And so it happened. God called the firmament heaven. And it was evening and morning: the second day.
God said, "Let the waters that are under the sky gather in one place and let dryness appear." And so it happened. God called the dry land, while He called the mass of water sea. God saw it was good. God said: "Let the earth produce sprouts, herbs that produce seed and fruit trees that bear fruit on the earth with the seed, each according to its kind." And so it happened. And the earth produced sprouts, herbs which produce seed, each according to its own kind, and trees which each bear fruit with the seed, according to its own kind. God saw it was good. And it was evening and morning: third day.
God said: “Let there be sources of light in the firmament of the sky, to separate the day from the night; may they be signs for feasts, days and years and may they be sources of light in the firmament of the sky to illuminate the earth ”. And so it happened. And God made the two great light sources: the greater light source to rule the day and the lesser light source to rule the night, and the stars. God placed them in the firmament of the sky to illuminate the earth and to rule the day and the night and to separate the light from the darkness. God saw it was good. And it was evening and morning: fourth day.


From the Gospel according to Mark
Mc 6,53-56
At that time, Jesus and his disciples, having completed the crossing to land, reached Gennèsareth and landed.
When I got off the boat, the people immediately recognized him and, rushing from all over that region, they began to carry the sick on stretchers, wherever they heard that he was.
And wherever he reached, in villages or cities or countryside, they laid the sick in the squares and begged him to be able to touch at least the edge of his cloak; and those who touched him were saved.

Recite the Monday prayer


“God works, continues to work, and we can ask ourselves how we should respond to this creation of God, which was born of love, because He works for love. To the 'first creation' we must respond with the responsibility that the Lord gives us: 'The Earth is yours, carry it forward; subdue it; make it grow '. For us too there is the responsibility to make the Earth grow, to make Creation grow, to guard it and make it grow according to its laws. We are lords of creation, not masters ”. (Santa Marta 9 February 2015)