Today's Gospel March 10 2020 with comment

From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew 23,1-12.
At that time, Jesus addressed the crowd and his disciples saying:
«On the chair of Moses the scribes and the Pharisees sat.
What they tell you, do it and observe it, but do not do according to their works, because they say and do not.
They tie heavy burdens and impose them on people's shoulders, but they don't want to move them even with a finger.
All their works do them to be admired by men: they widen their filattèri and lengthen the fringes;
they love places of honor in banquets, the first seats in synagogues
and greetings in the squares, as well as being called "rabbi" by the people.
But do not be called "rabbi", because only one is your teacher and you are all brothers.
And do not call anyone "father" on earth, because only one is your Father, that of heaven.
And do not be called "masters", because only one is your Master, the Christ.
The greatest among you is your servant;
those who rise will be lowered and those who lower will be raised. "

Saint Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)
founder of the Missionary Sisters of Charity

No Greater Love, p. 3SS
"Whoever stoops down will be lifted up"
I don't think there is anyone who needs God's help and grace as much as I do. Sometimes I feel so disarmed, so weak. So, I believe, God uses me. Since I cannot rely on my strength, I turn to him twenty-four hours a day. And if the day counted more hours, I would need his help and his grace during those hours. We must all remain united to God with prayer. My secret is very simple: please. With prayer I become one with Christ in love. I understood that praying to him is loving him. (...)

Men are hungry for the Paola of God that will bring peace, that will bring unity, that will bring joy. But you cannot give what you don't have. Therefore we need to deepen our prayer life. Be sincere in your prayers. Sincerity is humility, and humility is acquired only by accepting humiliations. All that has been said about humility will not be enough to teach you. Everything you have read about humility will not be enough to teach it. You learn humility by accepting humiliations and you will encounter humiliation throughout your life. The greatest humiliation is knowing that you are nothing; and it is what is understood in prayer, face to face with God.

Often the best prayer is a deep and fervent look at Christ: I look at him and he looks at me. In face to face with God, one can only understand that one is nothing and one has nothing.