Today's Gospel December 12, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

From the book of Sirach
Sir 48,1-4.9-11

In those days, Elijah the prophet arose, like a fire;
his word burned like a torch.
He caused famine to come upon them
and zealously reduced them to a few.
By the word of the Lord he closed the sky
and so he brought down the fire three times.
How glorious you made yourself, Elijah, with your wonders!
And who can boast of being your equal?
You were hired in a whirlwind of fire,
on a chariot of fiery horses;
you have been designed to blame future times,
to appease the anger before it flares up,
to lead the father's heart back to his son
and restore the tribes of Jacob.
Blessed are those who have seen you
and fell asleep in love.

From the Gospel according to Matthew
Mt 17,10-13

As they came down from the mountain, the disciples asked Jesus: "Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?"
And he replied, 'Yes, Elijah will come and restore all things. But I tell you: Elijah has already come and they did not recognize him; indeed, they did what they wanted with him. So also the Son of man will have to suffer through them ”.
Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them about John the Baptist.

In the Bible, Elijah appears suddenly, in a mysterious way, coming from a small, completely marginal village; and at the end he will leave the scene, under the eyes of the disciple Elisha, on a chariot of fire that takes him to heaven. He is therefore a man without a precise origin, and above all without an end, rapt in heaven: for this reason his return was expected before the advent of the Messiah, as a precursor ... He is the example of all the people of faith who know temptations and sufferings, but they do not fail in the ideal for which they were born. (General audience, 7 October 2020