Today's Gospel November 14, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

From the third letter of St. John the apostle
3 Jn 5: 8-XNUMX

Dearest [Gaius], you act faithfully in everything you do in favor of your brothers, even if they are foreigners.
They have given testimony of your charity before the Church; you will do well to provide them with the necessary for the journey in a way worthy of God. For his name, in fact, they left without accepting anything from the pagans.
We must therefore welcome such people to become collaborators of the truth.

From the Gospel according to Luke
Lc 18,1-8

At that time, Jesus was telling his disciples a parable about the need to pray always, never getting tired: “In a city there lived a judge, who did not fear God nor had any regard for anyone.
In that city there was also a widow who came to him and said to him: "Do me justice against my adversary."
For some time he did not want to; but then he said to himself: "Even if I do not fear God and have no regard for anyone, since this widow bothers me so much, I will do her justice so that she does not continually come to bother me."

And the Lord added: "Listen to what the dishonest judge says. And will God not do justice to his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will it make them wait a long time? I tell you he will do them justice promptly. But when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth? ».

We all experience moments of weariness and discouragement, especially when our prayer seems ineffective. But Jesus assures us: unlike the dishonest judge, God promptly hears his children, even if this does not mean that he does it in the times and in the ways that we would like. Prayer is not a magic wand! It helps to keep faith in God and to entrust ourselves to him even when we do not understand his will. (Pope Francis, General Audience of 25 May 2016