Today's Gospel December 15, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

From the book of the prophet Sofonìa
Sof 3,1-2. 9-13

Thus says the Lord: «Woe to the rebellious and impure city, to the city that oppresses!
He did not listen to the voice, he did not accept the correction. She did not trust in the Lord, she did not turn to her God ”. «Then I will give the peoples a pure lip, so that they may all call on the name of the Lord and serve him all under the same yoke. From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, those who pray to me, all those I have scattered, will bring me offerings. On that day you will not be ashamed of all the misdeeds committed against me, for then I will drive away all the proud pleasure-seekers from you, and you will cease to be proud on my holy mountain.
I will leave in your midst a humble and poor people ». The rest of Israel will trust in the name of the Lord. They will no longer commit iniquity and speak no lie; a fraudulent tongue will no longer be found in their mouth. They will be able to graze and rest without anyone harassing them.

From the Gospel according to Matthew
Mt 21,28-32

At that time, Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people: "What do you think? A man had two sons. He turned to the first and said: Son, go and work in the vineyard today. And he replied: I don't feel like it. But then he repented and went there. He turned to the second and said the same. And he said, Yes, sir. But he didn't go there. Which of the two did the father's will? ». They replied: "The first." And Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, tax collectors and prostitutes pass you along in the kingdom of God. For John came to you on the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him; the tax collectors and prostitutes on the other hand believed him. On the contrary, you have seen these things, but then you have not even repented so as to believe him ».

“Where is my trust? In power, in friends, in money? In the Lord! This is the inheritance that the Lord promises us: 'I will leave in your midst a humble and poor people, they will trust in the name of the Lord'. Humble because he feels himself a sinner; poor because his heart is attached to the riches of God and if he has it it is to administer them; trusting in the Lord because he knows that only the Lord can guarantee something that does him good. And truly that these chief priests to whom Jesus was addressing did not understand these things and Jesus had to tell them that a prostitute will enter the Kingdom of Heaven before them ”. (Santa Marta, 15 December 2015)