Today's Gospel October 19, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

From the letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians
Eph 2,1: 10-XNUMX

Brothers, you were dead for your sins and sins, in which you once lived, in the manner of this world, following the prince of the Powers of the air, that spirit which now operates in rebellious men. All of us, like them, once lived in our carnal passions following the desires of the flesh and evil thoughts: we were by nature deserving of wrath, like others.
But God, rich in mercy, through the great love with which he loved us, from the dead we were through sins, made us live again with Christ: by grace you are saved. With him he also raised us up and made us sit in heaven, in Christ Jesus, to show in future centuries the extraordinary richness of his grace through his goodness towards us in Christ Jesus.
For by grace you are saved through faith; and this does not come from you, but is a gift from God; nor does it come from works, so that no one can boast. We are in fact his work, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared for us to walk in them.

From the Gospel according to Luke
Lc 12,13-21

At that time, one of the crowd said to Jesus: "Teacher, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me." But he said, "Man, who made me judge or mediator over you?"
And he said to them: "Be careful and stay away from all greed because, even if someone is in abundance, his life does not depend on what he has."
Then he told them a parable: “A rich man's campaign had yielded a bountiful harvest. He reasoned to himself: “What shall I do, since I have no where to put my crops? I will do this - he said -: I will demolish my warehouses and build larger ones and gather all my grain and goods there. Then I will say to myself: My soul, you have many goods at your disposal for many years; rest, eat, drink and enjoy! ”. But God said to him: “Fool, this very night your life will be required of you. And what you have prepared, whose will it be? ”. So it is with those who accumulate treasures for themselves and do not get rich with God "

It is God who puts the limit on this attachment to money. When man becomes a slave to money. And this is not a fable that Jesus invents: this is reality. It is the reality of today. It is the reality of today. Many men who live to worship money, to make money their god. Many people who live only for this and life has no meaning. 'So it is with those who store up treasures for themselves - says the Lord - and do not get rich with God': they do not know what it is to get rich with God ”. (Santa Marta, 23 October 2017)