Today's Gospel 26 September 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

From the book of the Qoèlet
Qo 11,9 - 12,8

Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart rejoice in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and the desires of your eyes. But know that on all of this God will summon you to judgment. Drive the melancholy from your heart, take the pain away from your body, because youth and black hair are a breath. Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the sad days come and the years come when you must say: "I have no taste for it"; before the sun, the light, the moon and the stars go dark and the clouds return again after the rain; when the caretakers of the house will tremble and the stalwart will bend and the women who grind will stop working, because there are few left, and those who look out of the windows will become blurred and the doors will close on the street; when the noise of the wheel will be lowered and the chirping of the birds will be attenuated and all the tones of the song will fade; when you will be afraid of the heights and terror you will feel on the way; when the almond tree will blossom and the locust will barely drag itself and the caper will no longer have any effect, as the man goes to the eternal abode and the whiners wander around the road; before the silver thread breaks and the golden lamp breaks and the amphora breaks at the source and the pulley falls into the well, and the dust returns to the earth, as it was before, and the breath of life returns to God, who gave it. Vanity of vanities, says Qoèlet, everything is vanity.

From the Gospel according to Luke
Lk 9,43b-45

On that day, while everyone was admiring all the things he did, Jesus said to his disciples: "Keep these words in mind: the Son of man is about to be delivered into the hands of men". However, they did not understand these words: they remained so mysterious to them that they did not understand their meaning, and they were afraid to question him on this subject.

Maybe we think, each of us can think: 'And what will happen to me, to me? What will my Cross be like? '. We do not know. We don't know, but there will be! We must ask for the grace not to flee from the Cross when it comes: with fear, eh! That is true! That scares us. Very close to Jesus, on the Cross, was his mother, his mother. Perhaps today, the day we pray to her, it will be good to ask her for the grace not to remove the fear - that must come, the fear of the Cross ... - but the grace not to scare us and flee from the Cross. She was there and she knows how to be close to the Cross. (Santa Marta, September 28, 2013