Today's Gospel 28 February 2020 with commentary from Santa Chiara

From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew 9,14-15.
At that time, John's disciples came to Jesus and said to him, "Why, while we and the Pharisees fast, your disciples do not fast?"
And Jesus said to them, "Can the wedding guests be in mourning while the bridegroom is with them?" But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them and then they will fast.

Saint Clare of Assisi (1193-1252)
founder of the order of the Poor Clares

Third letter to Agnes of Prague
Live to praise it
For each of us, who is healthy and robust, fasting should be perpetual. And even on Thursdays, during non-fasting periods, everyone can do as she likes, that is, those who do not want to fast are not required to do so. But we, who are in good health, fast every day, except Sundays and Christmas. However, we are not obliged to fast - as blessed Francis taught us in his writing -, throughout the Easter season and on the feasts of the Madonna and the holy Apostles, unless they fell on Friday. But, as I said above, we who are healthy and robust, always consume allowed food in Lent.

Since, however, we do not have a bronze body, nor ours is the strength of the granite, rather we are rather fragile and inclined to any bodily weakness, I pray and beg you in the Lord, dearest, to moderate yourself with wise discretion in austerity, almost exaggerated and impossible, of which I have known. And I ask you in the Lord to live to praise him, to make reasonable the offerings you make to him, and that your sacrifice is always seasoned with the salt of prudence.

I wish you always to be well in the Lord, how can I desire it for myself