Today's Gospel November 3, 2020 with the words of Pope Francis

From the letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Philippites
Phil 2,5-11

have in yourselves the same sentiments of Christ Jesus:
he, although in the condition of God,
did not consider it a privilege to be like God,
but emptied himself by assuming the condition of a servant,
becoming similar to men.
Looking recognized as a man,
he humbled himself by making himself obedient to death
and a death on the cross.
This is why God exalted him
and gave him the name that is above every name,
because in the name of Jesus every knee will bend
in the heavens, on earth and underground,
and every language proclaim:
"Jesus Christ is Lord!",
to the glory of God the Father.

From the Gospel according to Luke
Lc 14,15-24

At that time, one of the guests, having heard this, said to Jesus: "Blessed is he who will eat food in the kingdom of God!"

He replied: 'A man gave a great dinner and made many invitations. At supper time, he sent his servant to tell the guests: "Come, it's ready." But everyone, one after another, began to apologize. The first said to him: “I bought a field and I have to go and see it; Please, forgive me". Another said: “I bought five yoke of oxen and am going to try them; Please, forgive me". Another said, "I just got married and therefore can't come."
On his return, the servant reported all this to his master. Then the master of the house, angry, said to the servant: "Go out immediately into the squares and the streets of the city and bring the poor, the lame, the blind and the lame here."
The servant said, "Sir, it was done as you ordered, but there is still room." The master then said to the servant: “Go out into the streets and along the hedges and force them to enter, so that my house is filled. Because I tell you: none of those who were invited will enjoy my dinner ”».

Despite the lack of adherence of those called, God's plan does not stop. Faced with the refusal of the first guests, he does not get discouraged, does not suspend the party, but re-proposes the invitation, expanding it beyond all reasonable limits and sends his servants to the squares and crossroads to gather all those they find. They are ordinary people, poor, abandoned and dispossessed, even good and bad - even the bad are invited - without distinction. And the room is filled with "excluded". The Gospel, rejected by someone, finds an unexpected welcome in many other hearts. (Pope Francis, Angelus of 12 October 2014