Holy Gospel, prayer of January 18st

Today's Gospel
From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Mark 3,7-12.
At that time, Jesus withdrew to the sea with his disciples and a large crowd followed him from Galilee.
From Judea and from Jerusalem and from Idumea and from Transjordan and from the parts of Tire and Sidon a great crowd, hearing what he was doing, went to him.
Then he prayed to his disciples that they would make a boat available to him, because of the crowd, so that they would not crush him.
In fact, he had healed many, so that those who had some evil threw themselves on him to touch him.
The unclean spirits, when they saw him, threw themselves at his feet shouting: "You are the Son of God!".
But he scolded them severely for not showing it.

O God, author and source of all holiness,

we thank you because you wanted to raise

Mother Teresa Fasce to the glory of the Blessed.

Through his intercession give us your Spirit

to guide us in the way of holiness;

revives our Hope,

make our whole life oriented to You

so that by forming one heart and one soul

we can be authentic witnesses of your resurrection.

Give us to accept any evidence that you will allow

with simplicity and joy in imitation of Blessed Teresa and S. Rita

who sanctified themselves by leaving us their shining example

and, if it is your will, grant us grace

that we confidently invoke.

Ejaculatory of the day

Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, protect us