Gospel, Saint, today's prayer 23 October

Today's Gospel
From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke 12,13-21.
At that time, one of the crowd said to Jesus, "Master, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me."
But he said, "O man, who made me judge or mediator over you?"
And he said to them, "Beware and keep away from all greed, because even if one is in abundance his life does not depend on his goods."
Then said a parable: "The campaign of a rich man had yielded a good harvest.
He reasoned to himself: What will I do, since I have nowhere to store my crops?
And he said: I will do this: I will demolish my warehouses and build bigger ones and gather all the wheat and my goods.
Then I will say to myself: My soul, you have many goods available for many years; rest, eat, drink and give yourself joy.
But God said to him: You fool, your life will be required of you this very night. And what did you prepare who will it be?
So it is with those who accumulate treasures for themselves, and do not enrich before God ».

“O God, you chose Saint John of Capestrano
to encourage the Christian people in the hour of trial,
keep your Church in peace,
and always give her the comfort of your protection. "

Giovanni da Capestrano (Capestrano, 24 June 1386 - Ilok, 23 October 1456) was an Italian religious of the Order of Observant Friars Minor; he was proclaimed a saint by the Catholic Church in 1690.

He was the son of a German baron [1] and a young Abruzzo lady. He was a priest who remembers his intense evangelizing activity in the first half of the fifteenth century.

He studied in Perugia where he graduated in utroque iure. Becoming an esteemed jurist, he was appointed governor of the city. He was imprisoned when the city was occupied by the Malatesta family.

His conversion took place in prison. Once free, he canceled his marriage and took his vows in the Franciscan monastery of Monteripido, near Assisi.

As a priest he led his apostolic activity throughout northern and eastern Europe, especially in eastern Hungary, that is, in Transylvania, where he was an adviser to Governor John Hunyadi in Hunyad Castle.

His preaching was aimed at renewing Christian customs and fighting heresy. He also served as an inquisitor of the Jews [2] [3]. He was extremely zealous in his attempts to convert heretics (especially friars and Hussites), Jews [4] [5] and Greek Eastern Orthodox to Transylvania.

On February 17, 1427 peace was solemnly proclaimed in the Cathedral of San Tommaso di Ortona (Chieti) between the cities of Lanciano and Ortona sponsored by San Giovanni da Capestrano.

In 1456 he was commissioned by the Pope, along with some other friars, to preach the Crusade against the Ottoman Empire which had invaded the Balkan peninsula. Traveling through Eastern Europe, Capestrano managed to gather tens of thousands of volunteers, at whose head he participated in the siege of Belgrade in July of that year. He incited his men to the decisive assault with the words of Saint Paul: "He who started this good work in you will bring it to completion". The Turkish army was put to flight and sultan Muhammad II himself was wounded.

His cult as blessed was confirmed on December 19, 1650; was canonized on October 16, 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII.

Biography of the Saint taken from https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_da_Capestrano

Ejaculatory of the day

Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, protect us.