Let's see what to do to please God

"How can I make God happy?"

On the surface, this seems like a question you could ask before Christmas: "What do you get for the person who has everything?" God, who created and possesses the whole universe, does not really need anything from us, but it is a relationship we are talking about. We want a deeper, more intimate friendship with God, and that's what he wants too.

Jesus Christ revealed how to make God happy:

Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment, and the second is similar: "Love your neighbor as yourself." "(Matthew 22: 37-39, NIV)

Please, God loving him
The re-ignition attempts again will not work. Nor lukewarm love. God wants our whole heart, soul and mind.

You have probably been so deeply in love with another person that they have constantly filled your thoughts. You couldn't get them out of your head, but you didn't want to try. When you love someone with passion, you put your whole being into it, down to your own soul.

This is the way David loved God. David was consumed by God, deeply in love with his Lord. When you read the Psalms, you discover that David pours out his feelings, without being ashamed of his desire for this great God:

I love you, O Lord, my strength ... Therefore I will praise you among the nations, O Lord; I will sing praises to your name. (Psalm 18: 1, 49, NIV)

Sometimes David was a shameful sinner. We all peccia, yet God called David "a man of my own heart". David's love for God was authentic.

We show our love for God by observing his commandments, but we all do it wrong. God sees our meager efforts as acts of love, just as parents appreciate the portrait of a rough pastel of them. The Bible tells us that God looks into our hearts, seeing the purity of our motives. He likes our selfless desire to love God.

When two people are in love, they look for every opportunity to be together while having fun getting to know each other. Loving God expresses itself in the same way, spending time in his presence - listening to his voice, thanking him and praising him, or reading and contemplating his Word.

You also make God happy with how you respond to his answers to your prayers. People who value the gift of the Giver are selfish. On the other hand, if you accept God's will as good and just - even if it looks different - your attitude is spiritually mature.

Please, God loving others
God calls us to love one another, and this can be difficult. Everyone you meet is not adorable. In fact, some people are downright bad. How can you love them?

The secret lies in "love your neighbor as yourself". You are not perfect You will never be perfect. You know you have flaws, yet God commands you to love yourself. If you can love yourself despite your shortcomings, you can love your neighbor despite his shortcomings. You can try to see them as God sees them. You can look for their good traits, as God does.

Again, Jesus is our example of how to love others. He was not affected by the state or appearance. He loved lepers, the poor, the blind, the rich and angry. He loved people who were great sinners, such as tax collectors and prostitutes. He loves you too.

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35, NIV)

We cannot follow Christ and be haters. The two don't go together. To make God happy, you must be radically different from the rest of the world. Jesus' disciples are commanded to love one another and to forgive one another even when our feelings tempt us not to.

Please, God, loving you
A surprisingly large number of Christians do not love themselves. They take pride in considering themselves useful.

If you grew up in an environment where humility was praised and pride was considered a sin, remember that your worth doesn't come from your appearance or what you do, but from the fact that God loves you deeply. You can rejoice that God has adopted you as his son. Nothing can separate you from his love.

When you have a healthy love for yourself, you treat yourself with kindness. You don't hit yourself when you make a mistake; you forgive yourself. You take care of your health. You have a future full of hope because Jesus died for you.

It pleases God by loving him, your neighbor and yourself is no small task. It will challenge you to your limits and require the rest of your life to learn how to do well, but it is the highest vocation a person can have.