I see the Madonna, she is blackberry and she tells me that we faithful are her heart

Every Saturday afternoon, when he approaches the faithful, after prayers and meditation on his knees under the cherry tree of the church of Santa Maria dell'Oro in Terni, he opens the notebook and reads, as if it were the most normal thing in the world, the message which he says he received while watching. It is almost always the Madonna who speaks to her, while Jesus appears to her - so says Pamela Roncetti, 31 year old from Terni - on the first day of each month (Umbria 24, 6 October).

Pamela claims that the Madonna appears to her since 1995, from "when I was 12 years old". To follow her, every time she goes to Santa Maria dell'Oro, there are dozens of faithful. In the last message Our Lady said to her verbatim: «I am here among you to pray for my priests and my people, I thank you because with your prayers you participate in the realization of my projects. You are my heart and my verb to restore my Church and all that belongs to me. I bless the whole diocese, all my priests, all of you and the whole Church ».

In the past, the alleged messages of Our Lady to Pamela remained private. Since November last year, the 31-year-old says she "was authorized to disclose them directly from the Virgin". «The Madonna is dark-haired - explains Pamela - with her hair wavy and long up to the middle of her back. Eyes between green and blue. He has a blue tunic and water lilies on his feet ».

The diocese, very skeptical about the phenomenon, has had the gates closed for a few weeks, but she regularly climbs the wall and continues to kneel under the cherry tree. The bishop of Terni Giuseppe Piemontese, before him Monsignor Vecchi, warned her not to make the messages public and to interrupt the prayer sessions at Colle dell'Oro. Up to order to bar the gates of the former convent. But Pamela goes on (Corriere dell'Umbria, 28 September).

The case is now national, and arrived on Saturday 4 October on the screens of Canale 5, while both the bishop and the parish priest of Colle dell'Oro don Claudio Bosi did not comment. Aleteia managed to get in touch with a source from the diocese of Terni, who explained: "For now his case is under observation," the source leaked, "the topic is very delicate and has been made public. long since. So let's talk about a recent fact and we must be very careful before making assessments and understanding if it should be studied in depth or not ».

The woman asked for a new meeting with the Piedmontese bishop, who was granted her. "The bishop - continues our source - had not forbidden Pamela to pray, but had been told to do it in church together with the faithful. It would have been the most appropriate thing, but we learn from the press that she continues to go to the courtyard ».